Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/228

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1904 SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. I . CH. 740. 1928. her ... ~on at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. . AIIDIe E. IIMdap. 1he name of Annie E. Ha.stinD. widow of Frank Hastituts, .late ()f·QomplmY·:I1 Seventy-eigh~ Regiment ~ennsylvania Volun~r InfantJ.!,fjaoo I"'Y her a pens10n at the rate of $50 per ~onth m lieu of that she is now receiv:f.·. PeusIoa.. ah Bu'ahB. Yamell. The ~.ofSar,.B. yarne.J widow;of Henry.H . Yarnell, late of ~1;G, One hmuired and forty--mghthRegiment, and Com- p&lly B,Fitty~third Regiment PenBSylvania Vol~r Infantry, and hIIIoDa mcr-L pay~ her a ~ion at the rate of $30 ~r month. MaDerva 1. MmtIl. The name of!l\lanerva J. MerriU, WIdow of Thomas Benton Merrill, Jaf!e"ofComPMly G, Seventh. Begiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, od ,.., 'hera' ~~on at the n.te of $00 per month in lieu of tb.8 .:t she IS now recel~. ~ 1. Law. ll'he nlLille (:If. Mar~' J. Lawrim~ widow of John A. Lawrence, lite of' Company C, Tenth Regiment West Vj.rginia Volunteer In- fantry, and pay her a. ~nsion at the rate of ~ per month in lieu of that she IS now recel~. . The name of Sarah A. L&ne, widow of Charles G. LaneJ .late of Com~A; ODe hundred and seventy.ei~th Re~t Ohio Vol- unteer Infantry, and pay her a ~nsion at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of' ~&t She is now receIving. CaroIlDe HoqIaDd. ,The nUDe 'ot Caroline Hoagl!lJld, wid~w 'of Solomon H08gland.1 late of Company;M, Ninth·Regiment Ohio Volunteer Canlry, and Company H, Twentieth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a. ~sion. at the rate of $(JO per month in lieu of that she 18 'now reoel'nng. AmelIa Hartuppe. The name of Amelia H&l'tupee,·"idow of JOI9ph C. Hartupee, late of CompanY,F, First Regiment United States Veteran Volunteer Engin~:and pa.1he1 a. J?ension at the rate of $60 per month inlieu of that' she is .now reo6i'flllg~ . The MBl8 of Laura. E . Hancock, widow of Ephraim H. Han~ late of Company D, Twenty-second Regiment Ohio Volun~r In- untty, and' t>&y"her ,a P!I~on at the rate of $40 per month in lieu of that she Isnn recemng.. The 'Dam. of'Manr A. Dewitt, widow of John T. Dewitt, late of Comp~y I, Fifty-first Reirlment Ohio Volunteer Infantrya ~'Jlay her a pension at" the rat& 01 $60 per month in lieu of that sba is now ~."'" .:: . KarT A. CINDIudI. a'henasne of Mary A.. Clements, widow of JohnK. Clements late of Co:mpany G, SecOnd ~ment Maine Volunteer Infantryi Com- p8l'!1 1,:t~l;'seoond'Ragiment ~usetts Volunteer Iulantry; an~ OoDi~y B~First:aegirnentMame Volun~t: C&valry, and pay her la ~()Ii' at the raw of $50 per month m lieu of that she 18 . ' now roo,eiving.. . . . . Marpnt B. Batch.. The name ijf,Yargaret R.BaWl, wldbwof WIlson W.Batch]...late . of Gomp~:8.· o.ellbdl'ed and thirty-second ~t,. and UOm- paJly ¥,Oile b~ and niDety-first Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, an~ pay her a ~nsion at the rate of $roper month in lieu Sarah M. BamU. of that She is now 'l"eCelvmg. .

'. The namQ of Martha' Ba~Widow 'of Lewis Barrick, late of CompaayG, Migbtiethllegiment Obiu!Volunteer Infantr:y, and pay her a pelli!~on at th0 !'ate of $50 per month in lieu 'ol that she 18 00* !'eCei1tmg.' ', . 1 '..:' .' ' . The nli.lMof Sanh. M.~rrett; widow of John Barrettj)ate of Company 0, One liundred and forty-ilecorid ~meD.t Ohio ~ational Gttatid :Jn1fintry,aM P*Y her'. penSion at the rate of $lSO per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. PermellaB~WIII\aJus. 'The name at Per'melia E. :Wi1li&ms, widow.of DavidW. Williams, la~ of Comp.., .iB, One,hundred and foriY-fJeoond Regiment 9hio