Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1796

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3450 INDEX. Walt~,. Re!>ecca A. (widow), penSIon mcrease<L _ _________________ 2291 Walter Reed Army Hospital, D. C ., appropriation for additional buildings, etc__________________________ 334 deficiency appropriation for additional facuities_ _ ___ ________________ 36 for additions_ _ _ ___ ______ _________ 927 technical services_ _ _ _ __ ____ _ __ __ 927 amount authorized for additions to____ 130 construction of nurses' quarters author- ized at ____________________ 748,1303 location ______ ~ ____________ __ __ ___ 748 amount for ChapeL_______________ 1303 for additional facilities_________ __ 1303 Walter~ireJ Nancy E. (widow), penSlonlnc~ _______ -- --- -- --- -- 1755 Walters, Anna E. (widow), pen&on____________________________ 2228 Walter~, E~izabeth (widow), peDSlon mcrea8e<L__________________ 2136 Walter~, E!"ma R. (widow), pensIOn mcreased___________________ 2309 Walter~, M.argret A. (widow), penSIon mcrease<L__________________ 1918 Walters, Mary A. (widow), peD&on____________________________ 2383 Walters, MaryJ. (widow), ~~oEli~th(~;,)~------------- 1789 peDSlon mcreased___________________ 2129 Wamp~e, Lprena (widow), penSIon mCreBae<L _ _________________ 2150 Wandel, Anna J. (widow), pension____________________________ 1888 Wang Erh-Ko, .. . . deficiency appropnatIOn for lDdemruty to China for death oL_________ 1651 payment to family of, killed by legation guard, Pekin~, China__________ 2256 Wapato Irrigation Project Wash., appropriation for additiona.l w'!'ter supply to allotments on Yakuna Reservation, from; reimburse- ment _____________________ 21~ 1576 for Satus uniL____________________ 214 War Claims Act of 1928, Settlement of, appropriation for protecting interests of United States under_ __ _____ 1109 for expenses of executing provisions of, ih Office of Judge Advocate General, Army _ _ _ _ ___________ 1352 deficiency appropriation for payments under_______________________ 914 for expenses of, under Judge Advo- cate General's Office, War De- partment____________________ 928 provisions oC ____________________ 254 -279 pay of two employees in excess of $9,000,authorized ____________ 1645 War Claims Arbiter (SIl8 also Settlement of War Claims Act of 1928), provisions for determining cla.ims of German nationals against United States _____________________ 256 -260 of Austrian and Hungarian nationals against United States ________ 263 -265 of owners of vessels "Carl Diederich- sen" and "Johanne," former German nationa.ls_____________ 277 War Claims Board, finding of, in favor of certain employ- ees of Bethlehem Steel Com- pany, to be followed___________ 2256 War College, Army, appropriation for instruction expenses of ________________________ 328,1351 War College, Naval, appropriation for maintenance, etc_ 628,1456 War Contract3, deficiency appropriation for settlement of Navy, etc _____ .. ___ _ .. ______ 1648 War Department (see also Army), appropriation for military activities and other expenses_____ ~ _______ 326, 1349 for Secretary, Assistant____________ 1349 for civilian personnel in the District_ 1349 for Office of the Secretary _______ 326,1349 no field service approrriation able for personne in office of Assistant Secretary _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ 1349 for Office of Chief of Staff _ _ _ __ _ 326, 1349 for Adjutant General's Office ____ 326,1349 for Inspector General's Office ____ 326, 1349 for Judge Advocate General's Office; employment of experts, etc __ 326, 1349 for Otfice of Chief of Finance_ _ _ _ 326, 1349 for Quartermaster General's Office_ _ 326, 1349 for Chief Signal Officer's Office.. __ 326, 1349 for Office of Chief of Air Corps __ 326,1349 for Surgeon General's Office _____ 326, 1349 for Bureau of Insular Affairs ____ 326, 1349 for Office of Chief of Engineers; tech- nical, etc., services _ __ _ __ __ _ 326, 1349 for Office of Chief of Ordnance __ 326, 1350 for Office of Chief of Chemical War- fare Service _______________ 326,1350 for Office of Chief of Coast Artillery _ 326, 1350 for Militia Bureau _____________ 326, 1350 salaries limited to average rates under CIBBBification Act ____ 327,1350 if only one position in a grade_ 327, 1350 allowance in unusually meritorious CBSes _____________________ 327,1350 restriction not applicable to cleri- cal-mechanical service _ ___ _ _ 327, 1350 no reduct,ion in fixed salaries __ 327, 1350 transfer to another position with- out reduction _____________ 327,1350 payment under higher rates per- . mitted ___________________ 327, 1350 transfers between appropriatiOns for bureaus, etc., to meet by reallocation _______________ _ for Department contingent expenses_ 1350 327, 1350 for stationery__________________ 327,1350 for postage stamps _____________ 327,1350 for printing and binding for _ _ __ _ 327, 1350 for contingencies of the Army __ _ 327, 1351 restriction on transfers of surplus propert~------------------ 328, 1351 for Militarx Intelligence Division_ 328, 1351 for Army War College __________ 328, 1351· for contingencies, headquarters of military departments, etc ___ 328, 1352 for Command and General Staff SChooL __________________ 329,1352 for military post exchanges _____ 329,1352 for expenses, under Settlement of War Claims Act in Office of Judge Advocate GeneraL___________ 1352 for pay, etc., of the Army_______ 329,1353 officers _____________________ 329,1353 enlisted men ________________ 329,1353 miscellaneous items under_____ 329,1353