Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1688

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3342 INDEX. Plant Industry Bureau, Depariment of Page. A griculture--Continued. deficiency appropriation for botanical investigations, etc _________ . __ 1617 for dry land agriculture investiga- tions________________________ 1633 for dry land field station, Tucumcari, N. Mex___ ____________ __ __ ___ 1633 for studv of wilt-resistant varieties of aifalfa ____________________ _ for horticultll<,al investigations, etc __ for salaries, 1929 _________________ _ Plant Quaranti"le Act, employees of Agricultural Department, may stop without warrant sus- pected persons, etc., and seize and destroy prohibited nursery stock, etc., where found _______ _ Plant Quarantine and Control Administra- tion, Department of Agriculture, apprl)priation for Chief of Administra- 1633 1633 1677 468 tion, and office personneL_. _ 564,1216 for enforcing foreign plant quaran- tines _____________________ 564,1216 for eradication of pink bollworm of cotton __________ . . _________ 565, 1216 inspection stations_ _____________ 1216 for preventing spread of Parlatoria date scale; amount for Arizona and California_____________ 565,1216 Thurberia. weeviL.. ____ _____ __ 565, 1216 gypsy and browntail moths ___ 565, 1216 European corn borer _________ 565,1216 Japanese and Asiatic be'Jtles ___ 565, 1216 white pine blister rusL _______ 565,1216 phonypeachdisease_ .. ___________ 1216 Mexican fruit worm __________ 565,1216 for export inspection and certifica- tion of domestic fresh fruits, ete_ 565, 1216 for preventing spread of gypsy, etc., moth________________________ 1635 for control, ete., Japanese and Asiatic beetles_____ _ ____ __ __ ___ __ __ __ 1635 for salaries, 1929________________ 1678 Federal Horticultural Board trans- ferred to_ ____________________ 565 Chief of, ex officio, chairman of ad- visory Federal Plant Quaran- tine Board; composition of Board, etc___________________ 565 Plant Quarantine Foreign, appropriation for enforcing, etc ____ 564, 1216 Plants, etc., Agricultural, appropriation for investigating dis- eases of__ _______ _____ ___ _____ 549 pathological laboratory _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ 549 plant disease survey__________ 549,1200 Plate, etc., Glasa, proclamation increasing duty on, to equalize differences in costs of production___________________ 2986 Platt, Jennie (widow), pension inoreased_ _ __ ____ __ __ __ _ _ __ _ 2086 Platt National Park, Okla., appropriation for administration, eto _______________________ 235,1598 Platt, Sarah B. (widow), pension inoreased ___________________ 1915 Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y., construotion authorized of buildings aL 1302 Plattsburg, N. Y., appropriation for public building ___ 180, 1043 Plattsmouth Bridge Company, Pap. may bridge Missouri River, at Platts- Platt8mO'l:hTarmstroBot (talk)br~ebr- - -- --- - - - --- - - -- 388 bridge authorized across Missouri River, at __________________________ _ 388 Platz, Mary (widow), pension increased_ _ _ __ ___ __ __ __ __ _ __ 2054 Playgrounds, D. C., Public, appropriation for salaries; employ- ments restricted ___________ 658,1275 for maintenance _______________ 659,1275 for expenses of public school, during vacation __________________ 659,1275 for supplies, etc., tlwimruing poold_ 659, 1275 for bathing pools ______________ 659, 1275 for expenses of schooL _________ 659, 1277 deficiency appropriation for salaries, 1929________________________ 1692 Playter, Grace I (daughter), pension____________________________ 1798 Pleasant Street SE., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Nichols Avenue to Thirteenth Stre~t; from gasoline tax fund_ _ __ _ ___ _ 1272 Pleasure Boats, Foreign Built, special tax on users of, repealed; effec- tive July 1, 1928 _____________ _ PlealJure Clubs, 867 exempt from income tax ____________ _ 813 PlejJert, Julia (widow), I~nsion____________________________ 193u Pleuropneumonia etc., Animal, appropriation for emergency, prevent- ing lipread oft etc _ ___ _ _ _ ___ 548, 1198 Plootll, Matilda T. (W1·aow), pension increased_ _ ____ ______ __ __ __ _ 1942 Plowm?n, !tIillie C. (widow), pelUllon mcreased ___________________ 2142 Plum, !-iil~an (widow), pensIOn IIlcreased_ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ ___ __ _ __ 2293 Plumaa National Fore8t, Calif., proclamation enlarging area of. __ __ ___ 2952 Plumbing Inspection, D. C ., appropriation for salaries, etc., division of. _______________________ 645, 1263, 1nnie M. (widow), pensIOn IIlcreascd _ _ __ __ __ __ _ ___ __ _ __ 1956 Plummer, Irene G. (daughter), pet.sion_ ___________________________ 1777 Plullket, Alice (widow), pension increascd ___________________ 2102 P1Ieumatic TubelJ etc. POlJtal Service, appropriation for New York and Brook- lyn, N. Y _________________ 189,1052 for Boston, Mass., rentaL ____ __ _ 189, 1052 deficiency appropriation for New York and Brooklyn_ _ ______________ 26 P1Ieumatic Tube System, New York City, appropriation for maintenance, etc., customhouse to appraisers' ware- house ____________________ 183,1046 Pocahontas Fuel Company, payment t~ for property damages_ _ _ _ 1980 Podiatry, D. (J., not included in provisions of Healing Arts Practice Act, D. C . 1928__ 1326 PojJ, (widow), penswn mcreased ___ . _________ ______ 2142 Pogue, Laura B. (widow), pension increaslld _ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ 2251 Poinsett County, Ark., bridge across Saint Francis River in, legalized ____________________ _ 442