Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1630

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3284 PtltlU, Nan~ (widow), " J?:a~~,?f1Oiip;{,;ti;;g,- ---------------- appropriation for purchase of, by Joint Committee on the Library ____ _ P~au, !l~ (widou'), peIlSlon mcrease<L _________________ _ Peach DiMaae, Plumy, appropriation for control, etc., oC ___ _ PtxWlCk, J. H'1 !k., may bridge Millllissippi River, at Prairie du Chien, Wis _______________ _ Peak, qath?rine twidow), pensIon mcrease<L _________________ _ Peanut" proclamation increasing duty on, to equalise differences in costs of production __________________ _ Pearce,. SJr,ah (widow), pensIon mcreased __________________ _ Pe.arl Harbor, Hawaii, appropriation for naval station, im- provements to channel and har- bor ________________________ _ for acquiring private fishery rights __ for 8ubmarine base, public works, etc for naval station, public works ____ _ lor naval air station, public works __ Pearl, Jamu G., pension ___________________________ _ Pearl River, bridge authorized across, at Edinburg, ~iss _______________________ _ in Leake County, ~iss ___________ _ in ~adison and Rankin Counties, ~iss _______________________ _ Pearl River Valley Lumber Company, may bridge Pearl River, in Leake County, ~iss _______________ _ in ~adison and Rankin Counties, ~iss _______________________ _ Pear8on, Charlu W., pension___________________________ _ Pear8on, Margaret (widow), pension ___________________________ _ Pearaon, Margaret W. and John E., claim of for use of land, etc., referred to Q;urt of Claims_______________ _ PearaDf!, Slfrah B. (widow), pensIon mcreaaed __________________ _ Pearaon, William D., pension___________________________ _ Peaae, 9art?lins (widow), peIlSlon mcreaaed __________________ _ Peaae, ~ulifs F. (widow), peIlSlon mcrease<L _________________ _ Pease, !nu'fsa S. (widow), peIlSlon mcreaaed __________________ _ Peavy, .An~ (widow), penBlon mcreased __________________ _ Pecans, appropriation for investigating diseases of _________________________ _ for investigating, etc., growing, marketing, etc., oC __________ _ Peck, Anna L. (widow), pension ___________________________ _ Peck, Gwrge W., pension___________________________ _ Peck. Ifgd"! J. (widow), peIlSlonmcreaaed __________________ _ Peck, ¥i~a R. (widow), pensIon mcreased __________________ _ Peck, Minnie B. (widow), pension ___________________________ _ INDEX. Pue. 1779 526 2107 1216 198 1760 2987 2295 636 636 636 1464 1464 1836 975 421 421 421 421 1757 2277 2327 2190 2311 1891 2250 1940 1800 549 551 1973 1843 1884 2133 1818 Pecor, :tnn~ (widow), Pap. pensIOn lOcre&lled_ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ ___ 2177 Pecoa River, etc., compact authorized between New ~ex4 ico, Oklahoma, and Texas, for division of waters oL__________ 1502 Pecue, .p~Y (widow), penSIon mcreased_ ___ ___ __________ __ 2079 Pecuniary Claims Arbitration, British- American, 48 deficiency appropriation for expenses __ Peeblu1 Mary B. (widow), penBlon____________________________ 1823 Peek, B. F., etc., may bridge ~ississippi River, at Betten- dorf, Iowa _________ . _ _________ 759 time extended for bridging ~isBissippi Rive!'J at Bettendorf, Iowa, by __ 1512 Peek8kill, N. r., deficiency appropriation for replacing present post office building_____ 1660 Pegel, Herman, payment to Germany, for heirs of, deceased while seaman, in Ameri- can merchant marine__________ 414 Peiffer, Malinda (widow), pension___________________________ 2203 Peirce, Gwrge, pension___________________________ 2322 Peiron~, !rancu (widow), Pefi:::~0t:::;~~iid)-,- ------------ 2308 payment to, for laundering, etc., Army Pell City,eA't!~menL------------------ 2339 bridge authorized across Coosa River, at__________________________ 295 Pelletier, Jt;Jne (widow),. pensIon mcreased_ _ __________ _______ 2079 PeUey, .Sar!"h M. (widow), penBlon mcreased_ ____ _____ __ ____ ___ 1862 PeUon,.Ha;riet A. (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ _ __ __ ____________ _ 1748 PemlJer!on,.Hannah E. (widow), peIlSlon mcreased_ _ __ __ _____________ 2127 Pemberyon,. Victoria (widow), pensIOn lDcreased_ _____ ____ ________ _ 1868 Pembina, N. Dak., deficiency appropriation for public building at_ _________ _____ ___ 1660 Penal and Correctional Institutiona (aee Penitentiaries, and Prisons, United States). Pence, Minerva A. (widow), pension___________________________ 1783 Pend OreiUe National Foreat, Idaho, proclamation modifying boundaries oC 291Z transferring part of Kaniksu National Forest to ________________ 2911,2912 Pendletf>n, .Mary R. (widow), pensIOn lDcreased___________________ 1953 PendZeton'a Ferry, bridge authorized across Sabine River, at__________________________ 611 Penitentiariu, United Statu (see altso Prisons, United States), appropriation for maintenance, etc __ 82,1112 for Leavenworth, Kans __________ 82,1113 for Atlanta, Ga ________________ 82, 1113 for ~cNeil Island, Wash ________ 82,1113 for Industrial Institution for Women, Alderson, W. Va ___________ 82,1113 for Industrial Reformatory, Chilli- cothe, Ohio ________________ 83, 1113 for probation system ____________ 83,1114