Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1563

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INDEX. 3217 Loc1car1, Jt;nnie H. (widow), Pa&'0. pensIOn mcreased_ _____________ ____ _ 1866 Lockar1, ~ary Iaabel (mother), pensIOn mcreased_ __ _ __ _____________ 1843 Locken, 011 car T. homestead entry by, validated ____ __ _ _ 1727 Lockwopd, pelia (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _________________ _ 2078 Lockwood, Ella B. (widow), pension____________________________ 1746 Lockwopd, !Vancy J. (widow), penmonlncreased ___________________ 2285 Lccomotive Engine Boilerll, etc., Safe, appropriation for expenses, compelling railroads to use ____________ 581,1239 Loe/, Captain JOlleph W., Army, error in (lomputing service of, corrected_ 2012 Lo/ton,. M a,rgaret J. (widow), pensIOn mcreased___________________ 1738 Logel, ~ar.y E. (widow), pensIon Increased___________________ 2213 LohneIJ r M?ry A. (widow), penmonlncreased ___________________ 2082 London, England, appropriation for dispatch agent. _ __ 66,1097 sum authorized for participating in Conference at, for Safety of Life at Sea_______________________ 1016 London Univerllal Postal Congress, appropriation for expenses of dele- gates to__ ___ ________ __ __ __ ___ 191 Loneman, Mary (widow) pension____________________________ 2317 Long, ~~nda C. (widow), pensIOn Increased____________________ 1918 Long Beach, Cali/.• appropriation for public building ___ 921, 1043 free admission of articles imported sole- ly for exhibit at Pacific South- west Exposition at____________ 39(; executive departments, etc., may pre- pare, etc., articles as exhibits_ __ 397 Long, David A. (son), pension____________________________ 2271 Long, Francis Clyde, pension____________________________ 2004 Long, Isabella A. (widow), pension increased_ _ __ __ _ __ _ ___ _ __ __ _ 20!J9 Long I&land City, N. Y., appropriation for public building; cost increased____________________ 177 deficiency appropriation for public building at__ ________ ____ _____ 1655 Long, James M., payment to, for personal injuries______ 2032 Long, ~en~ie S. (widow), pensIOn Increased___________________ 2055 Long, Katie H. V . (widow), pension increased___________________ 2307 Long, Margaret P. (mother), pension increased___________________ 1844 Long, ~ar!a L. (widow), pension Increased___________________ 2091 Long, Mary A. (widow), pension____________________________ 2248 Long, ~at~lda M. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _ __ _______________ 1899 Long, ¥ay!>elle (daughter), penslOI:. Increased ____________ ",_ . . ___ _ 1777 Long, William E. (son), pension____________________________ 2271 Longabaugh, Annie (widow). pension increased _____________________ 2092 Longun.eck6!, Lenna (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ _ _ __ __ __ __ ___ ____ _ 1976 Longb6!'ger t Sarah A. (widow), pensIOn mcreased __________________ _ Longen.hag~, Mary A. (widow), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ Longevity Pay, Army, deficiency appropriation for _________ _ Longino, Thomas C., reimbursement to heirs of, for prop- erty losses __________________ _ Longlldor/, M iUon, military record corrected ____________ _ Longshoremen'& and Harborworker's Com- pensation Act, in court proceedings the district attor- ney for the district, to appear for E.m~loyees Compensation Commlsslon _________________ _ provisions of, applicable to death or injury of employees of an em- ployer in District of Columbia_ employments excepted; vessel master or crew _____________________ _ railroad employees _____________ _ Government employees _________ _ agriculture, domestic service or casual occupation ____________ _ Longlltreth, Mary (widow), pension ___________________________ _ Longllw,0rth.. Mary A. (widow), pensIon Increased __________________ _ Lonnen, Eveleen (widow), pension ___________________________ _ Looking Elk. Oliver, senior, pension ___________________________ _ Lookout Mountain, Tenn., deficiency appropriation for paving Government Road, Saint Elmo, to Rossville, Ga _____________ _ Loomer.! C~roline M. (widow), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ Loose, Mary E. (widow), pension ___________________________ _ Lopez Island, W /Uh., lot in abandoned military reservation on, granted San Juan County for public park _________________ _ Lordsburg, N. Me:c., construction, Army Air Corps, author- ized at ______________________ _ Loring, Hattie (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Los Angeles, Cali}., deficiency appropriation for furnishing copies of patent specifications, etc., 1915-1925 to; reimburs- able ________________________ _ erection authorized of building for, branch of San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank _______________ _ subject to approval of Federal Re- serve Board _________________ _ terms of court at __________________ _ uncertified copies of patent specifica- tions 1915to 1925, to refurnished public library of. ____________ _ payment for, to be deposited in the Treasury ___________________ _ sum authorized for Patent Office expenses ____________________ _ Los Angeles County, Cali/., lands in Los Angeles National Forest withdrawn from mining entries for reforesting watersheds of._ Pap. 2278 2199 1849 2041 490 600 600 600 600 600 1757 2160 1784 2317 929 1937 1794 1091 1304 2222 1637 1140 1140 1424 1497 1497 1497 956