Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1538

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3192 INDEX. International Research Council--Contd. appropriation for expenses of attend- Paae. ing delegates _______________ 97,1127 for expenses, Navy Department dele- gates to _____________________ _ International Road Congre!se!, 624 appro:priation for quota, etc ________ 75,1107 Internatlonal Sanitary Convention, concluded with other Powers_________ 2492 International Seed Testing Congre!', appro:priation for share of expenses_ 550, 1201 I nternattonal Society for Exploration of the Arctic Regions by Airship, deficiency appropriation for contribu- tion to ______________ ~ ________ 1652 allnual contributions authorized to, for five years___ ______ ____ __ _____ 1222 International Statistical I mtitute, appropriation for annual contribu- tion _______________________ 7~ 1106 International Street, Nagale!, Arizona, deficiency appropriations for grading, paving, etc ________________ 925,1663 grading and paving, authorized on Mexican border_______________ 589 paving, etc., of, directed; sums avail- able___________________________ 1408 International Trade Exhibition, deficiency appropriation for expenses __ International Trade Mark Registration Bureau, 6 appropriation for share of expenses of, at Habana _________________ 73,1104 International Union of Geode!y and Geo- physics, appropration for quota, etc ______ 73, 1104 In1ernational Union of MathematiCB, appropriation for quota, etc ______ 73, 1104 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, appropriation for quota to _________ 73,1104 International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, appropriation for quota to________ 73,1104 International Union of Scientific Radio- telegraphy, appropriation for quota, etc______ 73, 1104 Interned Persons, fitC., appropriation for expenses of, under Navy DepartmenL ________ 624, 1452 I nteroceanic Ship Canal, deficiency appropriation for surveys, etc., of Panama Canal, Nica- ragua route, etc., to meet future needs of shipping_____________ 1667 investigation to be made as to prac- ticabilityof providing for future ship'ping needs by additional faCIlities to Panama CanaL____ 1539 or any route between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans____________ 1539 Isthmian Canal Commission reports as to practicability of canal across Nicaragua___________________ 1539 investigation and survey to revise, etc__________________________ 1539 to determine most practical route, etc__________________________ 1539 approxiI;na~ .cost of construction of mamtammg________________ 1539 cost of acquiring private rights, franchises, etc., affected by such canal route___________________ 1539 Interoceanic Ship Canal--Continued. stations directed to ascertain available water supply in Nicaragua, and for operating additional locks Pap. at Panama CanaL____________ 1539 sum authorized to be expended_______ 1540 report with recommendations to be made not later than in two years_____ 1540 Interparliamentary Union for Promoting International Arbitration, appropriation for contribution __ 71, 976, 1102 deficiency appropriation for American group_______________________ 1652 Interstate Bridge Company, may bridge Mississippi River, at Lan- sing, Iowa __________________ _ Missouri River, at Decatur, Nebr___ _ at Kansas City, Kans ___________ _ at Nebraska City, Nebr _________ _ at Union, Nebr ________________ _ time extended for bridging Missouri River, at Decatur, Nebr., by___ _ at Kansas City, Kans., by _________ _ at Nebraska City, Nebr., by_______ _ Interstate Commerce, 280 392 704 444 1076 1526 1530 1525 convict-made goods, etc., shipped into a State, 8ubject to laws thereoL__ 1084 Interstate Commerce Commission, appropriation for salaries of Commis- sioners and secretary ____ ___ 581, 1238 for personnel, and expenses of regu- lating commerce ___________ 581, 1238 chief counsel, director of finance, director of traffic ___________ 581, 1238 special counsel, etc ___________ 581,1238 rent restriction ______________ 581,1238 for enforcing uniform system of ac- counting, etc., by railroads ___ 581,1239 for enforcing safety appliances reg- ulations ___________________ 581,1239 for securing reports of accidents, etc _______________________ 581,1239 for testing, etc., block signal and train control systems, etc_ _ ______ 581, 1239 for requiring installing automatic train-controllinlt devices, etc_ 581, 1239 for compelling use of safe locomotive boile~, etc ________________ 581,1239 for physical valuation of railroads, etc________ ~-------------- 582,1240 for securing information of issues of stock, bonds, etc ___________ 582,1240 rent restriction, D. C _________ 582,1240 for printing and binding, for; restric- tion ______________________ 582,1240 for expenses, attending meetings_ 582, 1240 deficiency appropriation for printing and binding for ___ ____ __ ____ _ 6 forexpenses _______ 45,932,937,1616,1670 for salaries, 1929, under __ _ ___ _____ 1676 action of, relating to inland water trans- portation on the Mississippi and tributaries _________________ 979,981 submission to Congress discontinued, of statement of expcnditures for the fiscal year _ _ ___ ___________ 994 physical valuaiion of carriers_ __ __ _ 994 Interstate Commerce Laws, appropriation for enforcing _________ _ deficiency appropriation for expenses enforcing ___________________ _ 78 20 Inter8tate Quarantine Service, appropriation for cooperation with States, etc., for preventing spread of contagious diseases_ 175, 1040