Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1500

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3154 Ha&kil~, Li.da (widow), penSlOn mcreased __________________ _ Ha&kin.8, ¥artha E. (widow), . penSlOn mcreased __________________ _ Ha&kiTtfl, Sflrah M. (widow), penSlOn mcreased __________________ _ Ha&let,.Co~nelia D. (widow), penSlOn mcreased __________________ _ Ha&l!el~, M. (widow), penSlOn mcreased ____________ _ Ha&sell, T. S ., may bridge Tennessee River, at Clifton, Tenn _______________________ _ Ha&sler, Catharine E. (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Ha8tinq8, 4nnie (widow), penSlOn mcreased __________________ _ Ha&ting8, Annie E. (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Ha&tings, Eliza (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Hastings, Josephine E. (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Ha&tings, Minn., bridge B;uthorized across Mississippi RIver, at __________________ _ Hastrich, Elizabeth (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Hasty, Martha (widow), pension ___________________________ _ Hatch, .Ma~y D. (widow), penSlOn mcreased __________________ _ Hatch, Minerva (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Hatch, N. Mez., deficiency appropriation for expenses determining property damages from flood of Rio Grande aL __ _ for compensation to owners of lands near, for flood damages _______ _ Hatcher, Mary S. A . (widow), pension _______________________ ~---- Hatche~, S1fsan A. (widow), penSlOn mcreased __________________ _ Hatfield, Emma J. (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Hatfield, Mary (widow), pension increased __________________ _ IIathaway, Emma (widow), pension ___________________________ _ IIalt, Fostina (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Hauch, Martha A., benefits of Employees' Compensation Act extended to _____________ _ Hauck, Hannah F. (widow), pension increascd __________________ _ Haugen, Andrew P., payment to _______________________ _, .Elizabeth (widow), penSlOn mcreased __________________ _ IIavasupai Indian Hospital, Ariz., appropriation for support, etc., oL ___ _ IIaven,.Ly1ia (widow), penSlOn mcreased __________________ _ Havens! A1}na C. (widow), penSlOn mcreased __________________ _ Havens, Elizabeth S. (widow), pensIon mcreased __________________ _ Haverfield, Mary E. (widow), pension increased __________________ _ HallerhiU, Mass., appropriation for public building ____ ~_ deficiency appropriation for pubIi c building aL _________________ _ INDEX. Page. 1957 1738 1741 2089 2105 755 2055 2068 1904 1944 1746 1075 2178 1952 2064 1958 19 903 2268 2200 2063 2070 1765 2083 1733 2058 1734 2103 1581 2073 1951 1922 1921 1042 920 Haverty, Victoria L. (widow), Pag•• pension increased___________________ 1887 Havlin, Cordelia E. (widow), pension increased___________________ 1759 Havre, Mont., deficiency appropriation for public building at_____________________ 921 Hawaii, appropriation for Governor and secre- tary ______________________ 241,1605 for contingent expenses _________ 241,1605 for legislative expenses___ ___ __ _____ 241 pay and mileage for extra session forbidden____________________ 241 for relief, etc., of shipwrecked Amer- ican seamen in ______________ 68, 1098 for district judges _______________ 79,1110 for chief and associate justices ____ 80, 1111 for circuit court judges __________ 80,1111 for expenses of judges ___________ 81,1112 for distinctive mail equipment for _______________________ 192, 1055 for volcanologic surveys, etc. in __ 232, 1594 for Army air stations, hangars, gas plants, etc., payable from desig- nated funds__________________ 338 for agricultural experiment stations in ________________________ 542,1192 sale of products ______________ 542,1192 for agriCUltural extension work, allot- menL ____________________ 542,1193 for Weather Serv:ce expenses in_ 543,1194 for ethnological researches among na- tives oL __________________ 583,1241 deficiency appropriation for establishing naval ammunition depot in____ 908 for expenses, observing sesquicenten- nial of discovery oL__________ 913 for salaries of judges_______________ 1610· balances of appropriations for military posts in, covered in___________ 364 amounts authorized for Army Air Corps buildings_____ _____ ____ _______ 129 appellate jurisdiction of circuit court of appeals, as to interlocutory orders, etc., of district court of _ 422 benefits extended to, of laws establish- ing agricultural experiment sta- uons________________________ 571 cooperative agricultural extension work________________________ 571 Federal and Territorial stations to be conducted jointly _____________ 571 additional building, etc., to be pro- vided by the Territory__________ 571 sums authorized for stations in addi- tion to Department appropria- tions, fiscal years 1930 to 194L_ 572 after 1941.____ ___ __________ ____ 572 permanent annual extention work appropriations increased hereby _ 572 construction authorized of new landing field in______________________ 1303 air bases__ ______ ____ _________ ____ 1303 construction of nurses' quarters, etc., at Schofield Barracks ___ _________ 372 legislative act granting electric fran- chise, Island of Kauai, ap- proved ____________________ 159,243 proclamation adjusting pipe line right of way, area restored to previous status_______________________ 2982 reserving land on Island of Lehua, for lighthouse purposes___________ 2968