Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1483

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INDEX. 3137 Fugitives from Justice-Continued. found in District of Columbia; if com- plaint believed to be true, and surrender may be demanded, bond required to appear at a future date, etc ______________ _ commitment to jail, if no bond given, or if charged with murder _____ _ bond forfeited on failure to appear_ discharged if appearing in court on day ordered, unless demanded by warrant of governor __________ _ further detention may be required __ bond discharged on delivery to per- son authorized by warrant of Paa:e. 441 441 441 441 441 governor_____________________ 441 notice to police officials of city, etc., of fugitive, of his detention ___ _ limitation of jail detention ________ _ 441 441 voluntary return in custody of an official allowed_ _ _ _ ___________ 441 acceptance of bond by judge of police court, for appearance before official of State from which a fugitive _____________________ _ return of fugitive to a Federal district, or to a foreign country not af- fected hereby ________________ _ 441 442 Fulcher, Marion 0., pension____________________________ 2314 Fulkerson, Sarah A. (widow), pension____________________________ 2235 Fuller,pa,!,-ie (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _ __ _ _____ _ _ __ __ __ _ 2079 Fuller, Dora L. (daughter), pension____________________________ 1788 FuUer, Edith 4. (widow), pension____________________________ 1934 Fuller,.El~ C. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _ ____ ________ _____ 2147 Fuller, .Flor:ence R. (widow), pensIOn Increased___________________ 2198 Fuller, Julia (widow), pension____________________________ 1848 Fuller, Liddia (widow), pension____________________________ 1762 Fuller,.Lou,ise B. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _ __ ________ ____ ___ ] Q51 Fuller; Major, pen~on____________________________ 1771 Fuller,/;:u.8 .lln A.. (wicWdJ), pe;:;'SlOll Increased_ _ _ __ _ ____ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ 1865 Fulper, Etta Pearce, Government life insurance granted to_ 2S43 Fulton, Ark., time extended for bridging Red Rive!', near _________ ~-------------- toll charges on bridge across Red River, at __________________________ _ 55 743 on retirement of bonds, to be a free bridge_______________________ 743 Fulton, Indiana (widow), pension increased_ _____ ___ _____ _____ 2271 Fulton,. Ro~ert W., pensIOn Increased_ _______ ______ ____ _ 1991 Fungicides1 appropriation for chemical investiga- tions, etc., of ______________ 557,1207 for preventing sale, etc., of adulter- ated _____________________ 566,1218 deficiency appropriation for investiga- Funk, !laTarmstroBot (talk) 02:31, 7 January 2012 (UTC)nj).et:ddo~)~ ------------- pensIOn Increased_ _ _ ________________ 2092 12 Fuqua,.Sm:ah E. (widow), Page. pension Increased_ ______ _____ __ ___ __ 1804 Fur Beal-ing A nimal&, appropriation for experiments in rear- ing _______________________ 55 ~ 1 209 for protecting land, in Alaska _ __ __ _ 559 Furey, Emma (widow), pension increased_ _ ____ _ _ ____ _ _ __ __ _ 2168 Furey, Fred H., time extended for bridging Columbia River, at Entiat, Wash., by_____ 1546 Furgu8on, Lucia (widow), pension increased___________________ 2095 Furlow1 Margaret B. (widow), pensIOn increased_ _ __ _ _ ____ ____ _ _ __ _ 1837 Furniture, Public Buildings, appropriation for, repairs, ete _____ 185, 1047 deficiency appropriation for __ __ _____ 42, 49, 935,9a9, 1619, 1672 Furr, Ed, payment to _______________________ _ Furr, Matilda, payment to _______________________ _ FU8on, Charles, payment to, for fire damages _______ _ Fuson, Flora (widow), pension ___________________________ _ Fuson, J. E., payment to, for fire damages ________ _ Fussell, Georgia Ann (widow), pension ___________________________ _ Fye, O~ie ~widow), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ G. 1734 1734 2328 1836 2328 1745 2082, .Jennie (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _ __ _ _ _____________ 2245 Gaddis, Carrie B. (widow), .pension__ _____________________ ____ _ 1762 Gaf!ney" M,ary Ellen (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _ _____ _ _ _ _________ 2311 Gaf!ney, Rir.hard L., pension____________________________ 1844 Gage, 4nn~e (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _ ______ _______ ___ _ 1741 Gahrelt! Eliza (widow), pensIOn Increased___________________ 2092 Gaines, Matt J., alias Mat Jackson GainetJ, pension________ __ ___ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ ______ 19M: Gaines,. M~li8~a E. (widow), pension'eMe-:L ___________ . _ _____ 2178 Gainesville, AlrJ., bridge authorized across Tombigbee River, aL __________________ 808,754 Gale, Katie M. (widow), pension____________________________ 1841 Gallagher, A. F., payment to, for services_____________ 1980 Gallagher, Charles, . payment of findings of Court of Claims to administrator oL___________ 1998 Gallagh,er, !£lizabeth (widow), G1Ua~h~~ Mc;::vasC~(~~)-,------------ 2188 pension____________________________ 2298 .Jallag~er, ~arah (widow), pensIOn Increased ______________ .. ____ 1931 Gallaher, Margaret F. (widow), pension____________________________ 20Q8 Gallatin National Forest, Mont., sum authorized for adding lands to, etc., for preserving game ani- tnaIs________________________ 603