Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1444

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3098 INDEX. Diatrict oJ CoZuMbiG-Continued. Pap. appropriation for school buildings and grounds __________________ 663,1279 for =n~~__TarmstroBot (talk) 02:25, 7 January 2012 (UTC)_~_~~_~lal6a, 1280 part 01. 1927 appropriation reap- proprillted.___________________ 664~ cost restriction ______________ 664,1281 for police department___________ 665,1282 allowance for mounts, etc., re- duced_______________________ 1282 for House of Detention _________ 666,1282 location barred ______________ 666,1283 for harbor patroL _____________ 666,1283 for. policemen's and firemen's relief fund _____________________ 666,1283 for fire department_____________ 666,1283 for health department __________ 667,1284 prevention of contagious diseases__ 667, 1284 for isolating wards, Garfield and Providence Hospitals_______ 668, 1284 for dispensaries for tuberculosis and venereal diseases___________ 668, 1284 for quarters for clinics_____________ 668 for disinfecting service__________ 668, 1284 for public school hygiene and sanita- tion ______________________ 668,1285 for laboratories ________________ 668,1285 for food, etc., adulterations_ _ __ _ 668, 1285 for dairy farm inspection, etc.; allow- ance for motor vehicles _____ 668,1285 for public crematoriumi containers, etc., to be providea for the in- digent____________________ 669,1285 marriage records in health depart.- ment to be transferred to clerk's office, supreme court__________ 1285 for child hygiene service ________ 669,1285 for juvenile court ______________ 669,1286 for police court ________________ 669, 1286 for municipal court ____________ 669,1286 for supreme court, salaries and ex- penses____________________ 670,1287 for probation system ___________ 670,1287 for courthouse, care, etc ________ 670,1287 for court of appeals, salariea, and ex- ~-------------------- 671,1287 for s~pport of convicts out of the ~ r i c t _______ _______ ____ 671,1287 forlunacywrits _______________ 671,1287 for miscellaneous court expeDIeIl_ 671,1288 for printing and binding for courts_ _ 671, 1288 for Board of Publio Welfare _____ 671,1288 allowances for quarters, etc., con- tinued_______________________ 1288 for division of child welfare _____ 671, 1288 receiving, etc., home for children under 17 years of age ______ 672,1288 forjail _______________________ 672,1289 for support of jail prisoners, etc__ 672, 1289 for workhouse and reformatory __ 672,1289 for purchase of additional land for reformatory__________________ 673 for providing workin~ capital for mdustrial enterpnses at work- house and reformatory _____ 674, 1290 for National Training School for Boys _____________________ 674, 1290 for National Training School for Girls _____________________ 674,1290 construction of laundry, Muirkirk, Md_________________________ 1291 for medical charities ___________ 674,1291 Diltrict oj CoZumbia-Continued. appropriation for Columbia Hospital for Women ________________ 675,1291 for Tuberculosis Hospital_______ 675,1291 for Gallinger Municipal Hospital_ 675,1291 for District Training SChooL ____ , 675,1292 for acquisition of additionalland____ 1292 for residence for superintendent____ 1292 for Industrial Home for' Colored Children __________________ 676,1292 for Industrial Home SchooL ____ 676,1292 for Home for Aged and Infirm ___ 676, 1292 for temporary homes ___________ 676,1293 for ald, etc., of the blind________ 677,1293 for support, etc., of insane_ _ _ __ _ 677, 1293 for deporting nonresident insane_ 677,1293 for rehef of the poor___________ 677,1294 for payment to abandoned families__ 67'!1 12\14 for burial of indigent ex-service men__ 6771 1294 for transporting indigent persons_ 677, 1294 for militia expenses ____________ 678,1294 for development, etc., Anacostia Park _____________________ 678, 1295 for public buildings and public parks_ 678, 1295 Rock Creek and Potomac Park- way______________________ 679, 1295 Meridian Hill Park ___________ 679,1295 Sylvan Theater, lights and sewer__ 1295 Franklin Park comfort station, etc., alteration..__________________ 679 for park police _________________ 679,1296 for National Capital Park and Plan- ning COmmIssion __________ 679,1296 for Zoological Park_____________ 680,1296 for water service; out of revenues thereof____________________ 680,1296 for operating expenses __________ 680,1297 for extending water service______ 681,1297 for installing meters to private resi- dences, etc ________________ 681, 1297 • for hydrants, etc _______________ 681,1297 for replacing old mains_________ 681,1297 for extending mains, etc_________ 681,1297 employment of temporary drafts- men, etc., on sewers, streets etc _______________________ 681, 1298 laborers, mechanics, etc_______ 681, 1298 horses, vehicles, etc___________ 682,1298 temporary laborers, etc., water department work ________ .. . _ 682,1298 for expenses, payable from miscel- laneous trust funds _________ 682,1299 leaves of absence to persons em- ployed ten months consecu- tively _____________________ 682,1299 purchases of supplies, motor vehi- cles, etcjl from Government sources; mitation if procured elsewhere _________________ 682,1299 for contributIon to retirement fund, wholly from District revenues_ _ 1299 for aiding Grand Army of the Repub- lic Memorial_________________ _ for operation, etc., Center Market __ _ 494 563, 1215 for acquiring triangle properties in, as sites for public buildings____ 1045 deficiency appropriation for Committee on Revision of the Laws assist- ance in compiling and codifying laws relating to__ _____________ 3 for public buildings and public parks_ 6