Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1415

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INDEX. 3069 Comptrolkr GeMf'al of tM United Statea- Continued. directed to allow credits in acco\mts of postmasters for payments to mail messengers, etc., contrary to double pay restrictions, etc ____ _ to pay mail messengers, etc., the sums refunded by them or deducted fx:om balances due them, under double pay restrictions, etc____ _ powers, duties, etc., of returns office vested in ___________________ _ ComptroUer of the Currency, Trealury De- partment, appropriation for, and office personneL for personal services, Federal Reserve 1«2 1442 1147 168, 1034 and national currency.. ___ __ 168,1034 for special examinations, etc_____ 168, 1034 deficiency appropriation for salaries, 1929, office oL_______________ 1687 Conciliation, treaty of, with Albania______________ 2732 with Austria_ _ _ __________________ 2756 with Finland_____________________ 2726 with Germany____________________ 2748 Conciliation and Arbitration, ConjereT/,U of, American Republics invited to attend, at Washington________________ 487 Conciliation and Arbitration Conjerence, Pan American, deficiency appropriation for expenses__ 912 Conciliation oj Labor Disputu, appropriation for Commissioner, etc_ 105, 1135 deficiency appropriation for Commis- sioner oL____________________ 1621 Condray, Mary E. (widow), pension increased_ __________________ 2129 Conduit Road, D. C., appropriation for maintenance, etc____ 680 for survey, etc., of, from the District line to Great Falls, Md., for Cone, Als~ef~r=);-------------- 1380 pension____________________________ 1786 Conecuh RitJer, bridge authorized across, in Escal:tbia County, Ala__________________ 295 ConfederaU Burial Plata, appropriation for care, etc ________ 365,1375 Confederate Soldiers, hea.dstc?nes auth~rized over graves of, In cemetenes_________________ 1307 inscription of name and State______ 1308 detailed records to be preserved in War Department_____________ 1308 ConfederabJ Statu oj America, veteran C who served in military forces of, in the Civil War, to be ap- pointed on commission, to in- spect, etc., battle field of Fort Donelson, Tenn______________ _ 367 ConfederaU Stocka-tU Cemetery, J ohmWn8 Island, Sandmky Bay, Ohio, appropriation for care, etc_ _ _ _ ____ 355, 1375 ConfederaU Veterans, D. C., appropriation for aid to ___________ 676, 1293 Confederate Veterans' Reunion, attendance of Marine Band authorized at, Charlotte, N. C____________ 1150 appropriation autborized for ex- penses of Band_______________ 1151 Little Rock, Ark__________________ 483 appropriation for expenses of band 483 ConjederateVeterana'Reunion-Contd. PIIP. loan of Army tents, etc., for encamp- ment at Charlotte, N. C __ _ __ __ 1165 a1; Little Rock, Ark_______________ 61 Conference Jor Revision oj Convention f01' Safety of Life at Sea, Inter- national, deficiency. appropriation for partici- patml$ In_____________________ 1612 Conference Mmority, Home of Repre- sentatives, appropriation for clerks, etc _______ 523,1393 deficiency appropriation for Walter L. Price________________________ 885 Conference of Conciliation and Arbitra- tion, invitation extended to American ~W~h~~;fo:02:20, 7 January 2012 (UTC)_~~ ~~ TarmstroBot (talk) 02:20, 7 January 2012 (UTC) 4&7 amount authorized for expenses_ ____ 487 Conference on Civil Aeronautics, Inter- national Aeronautical, representatives of foreign governments invited to attend______________ 1011 Conference on Highways, Second Pan American, appropriation for participating in_ ____ 912 amount authorized for participating in_ 403 Conference on Unif01'm State Laws, D. C., appropriation for aid to ___________ 651, 1269 Congdo.n, ~ate (widow), pensIOn lncreased_ __________________ 2266 Congress, adjournment of, authorized for May 29, 1928_ _____ _____ ______ ____ 2393 gold medals in the name of, awarded to personnel, etc., of the first successful trans-Atlantic flight in naval flying boat N~________ 1158 holiday recess order, December21, 1927_ 2389 December 22, 1928________________ 2393 Joint Committee of, appointed to attend celebration of the canal- izing of Ohio River____________ 2397 departments, etc., to furni!lh informa- tion to Committees on Expendi- tures in Executive Departments, when requested_______________ 996 submission of designated reports, etc., to, repealed__________________ 986 treaties favored by, with maritime nations regulating conduct of belligerents and neutrals in war at sea, and inviolability of private property thereon_______ 1165 to be negotiated, if practically pos- sible, prior to conference on limitationofarmamentsin 1931. 1165 Congrus oj Americt,lnil!ta, Twenty-third International, appointment of three delegates to, authorized___________________ 723 Congress oj Entomology, International, foreign governments invited to send delegates to__________________ 482 Congrul!ional Directory, appropriation for compiling, etc ____ 525, 1394 deficiency appropriation for compiHng, etc., first session of Seventy-first Congress_____________________ 1624 edition for first session, 71st Congress, ordered printed_______________ 2398 Congrusional Direct01'Y, Biographical, deficiency appropriation for prepara- tion, preservation, etc., oL_____ 885