Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1405

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INDEX. 3059 Civil Service Commission-Continued. Page. deficiency appropriation for salaries, 1929_________________________ 1675 Citil War Campaign Medal, gratuitous issue of, to persons entitled_ 500 Cit'il War Veterans, appointment on commisssion to inspect, etc., Fort Donelson battlefield, Tenn., of one who served in United Statcs Army ____ _ _ __ __ _ 367 Ci,Jilian Military Instruction, appropriation for expenses of riC3 ranges, etc.; quartermaster sup- plies, etc __________________ 352, 1373 for ordnance equipment for rifle rangcs ____________________ 353, 1374 Claflin, Guy M., payment of Court of Claims findings to___________________________ 2346 Claflin, Re~ecca E. (widow), pensIOn lllcreased _ __________________ 1903 Claiborne, Ala., bridge authorized across Alabama River, at___________________________ 754 Claims, appropriation for defending suits in __ 77, 1108 for defending Indian depredation __ 77, 1108 for paying, for damages to private property by Army operations_ 330, 1354 for paying. for damages to private property of officers, etc., in service_______________________ 1354 for paying, for damages to private property by Army aircraft_____ 339 for paying, for damages to private property under Navy Depart- ment________________ 1452 deficiency appropriation for paying, damages to private property, under Veterans' Bureau________ 7 for paying, damages to private prop- erty, under Department of Agri- culture ________________ 11,894,1832 for paying, for damages to private property under Department of Commerce _____________ 15,896,1635 for paying, for damages to _private property, under Interior Depart- ment __________________ 17,898,1637 for paying, damages to private prop- erty by naval forces _________ 23,1647 for paying, for damages to private property, by Postal Service_ __ _ 26, 1611,1649 for paying, for damages to private property, under Treasury De- partment ______________ 29,914,1652 for paying, damages to private prop- erty, under War Department_ 35, 1664 for paying, certified by General Accounting Office _____________ 41, 43, 932,937,1616,1620,1670,1673 for paying, collision damages, ~ght- house Service_________________ 1636 for paying, for damal)es to private t~o~:::_~~_~e~___ ~:TarmstroBot (talk):~:_~: 1647 against District of Columbia, author- ized to be settled. by the Com- missioners thereof- _ __ __ _______ 1160 convention with Mexico for settlement of, extended__________________ 2453 equitable, not appropriated for, to be submitted to Congress with report of Comptroller GeneraL_ 413 Claims-Continued. Paae. under War Minerals contracts to be reviewcd by District of Colum- bia Supreme Court, etc________ 1166 Claims Commission, United States Jnd Germany Mixed, appropriation for expenses _________ 74,1096 Claims Commissions, United States and Mexico, appropriation for expenses _________ 74,1105 Clairs, New Brunswick, bridge authorized across Saint John River, between Fort Kent, Me., and_________________________ 1321 former Act revived________________ 1321 Clairton, Pa., bridge authorized across Monongahela River, between Glassport, and __ Clallam Indians, Wash., deficiency appropriation for payment 288 to _______________________ 1671,1673 Clanton, Joel M., pension____________________________ 1996 Clapp, Emily J. (widow), pension increased___________________ 1754 Claremont, N. H., deficiency appropriation for public building aL__ _______________ 1657 Claremore Indian Hospilal, Okla., appropriation for, construction, equip- ment, etc.; condition _______ 221,1582 deficiency appropriation for construc- tion. additionaL______________ 1640 Clarendon, Ark., bridge authorized across White River, at __________________________ _ 972 Clark, Ada C. (widow), pension____________________________ 1825 Clark, Amy E. (widow), pension increased_ _ _________________ 1738 Clark, Anna E. (widow), pension increased_ _ _________________ 2114 Clark, Annie T. (widow), pension increased_ __________________ 1961 Clark, Caroline (widow), pension____________________________ 1898 Clark County, Idalw, appropriation for sheep experiment station, etc., in ____________ 547,1197 Clark, Elizabeth (widow), pension increased_ _ __ _ _ __ __ _________ 1919 Clark, Elizabeth W. (daughter), pension__ ___ _ _____ ______ ___________ 1792 Claj'k, Ella E. (widow), pension increa8ed___________________ 1918 Clark, ~m~ (widow), penSIOn lDcreased_ _ _________________ 2061 Clark, Florence B. (widow), pension increased_~_________________ 2177 Clark, George Rogers, appropriation authorized for preparing plans, etc., of memorial to_____ 1626 memorial commemorating Revolution- ary War achievements of, and associates, etc., authorized at Clark, H ;;;:hnr,::Jo~)~- -------------- 724 pension increased_ __________________ 2058 Clark, [da.L. (widow), penSlOn lDcreased___________________ 2178 Clark, [o~ L. (widow), pensIOn lDcreased___________________ 2116 Clark, Jennie B. (widow), pension________:___________________ 1792