Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1379

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Boys' R~form School, D. C. (su National Training School for Boys, D. C .). Bozell,p7IfI:lhia A. (widow), pensIOn mcrea.sed ___________ - ______ _ Bozeman, Mont., patent of public lands to be issued to; price ________________ - ______ _ mineral deposits reserved _________ _ Bracuch, William C., repayment to, for coal entry _________ _ Bracco,. T~e8a (mother), pensIOn lDcreased ___________ - ______ _ Bracken, Andrea T. (widow), pension ___________________________ _ Brackett, Bettie (widow), pension ___________________________ _ Bracy, Welthy E. (widow), pension ___________________________ _ Bradeery., A!ary E. (widow), pensIOn lDcreased ________ - - - - ___ __ - _ Bradford, Harrison H., pension ___________________________ _ Bradley, George payment to, indian allottee __ -___---_ Bradley, Harry C., application of, for disability payments, considered as contracting tuber- culosis in service _____________ _ Bradl.ey, Henry, payment to, Indian allottee _________ _ Bradley, Rosanoh H. (widow), pension increased _________ - - - ______ _ Bradle?!, Sc:rah T. (widow), pensIOnlDcreasp.d ____ ---- - - - - - - -- - -- Bradley, Tho1lUl3 B., pension ___________________________ _ Bradley, William, payment to, Indian allottee __ - ______ _ Bradshttw, Mary E. (widow), pension ___________________________ _ Brady, Elizabeth (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Brady,.Ma:y (widow), pensIOnlDcreased____ - --- - -- - - - - - - -- Brady, Sarah M. (widow), pension increased __

Brady, A. (widow), pensIOn lDcreased _________ - -- __

Bragg, Emma C. (widow), pension ___________________________ _ Bragg, .Em!'l-a L. (widow), pensIOn mcreased __________ - - - - - - - -- Braiste~, I~a S. (widow), pensIOn mcreased __________________ _ Brake, .Eli~a (widow), pensIOn mcreased ____________ -- --- -- Brand,.Na,:"nie L. (widow), pensIOn mcreased __________ - - - - - - - -- Brand, Norton F., deficiency appropriation for, loss of Government funds due to bank failure ______________________ _ reimbursement authorized of, Foreign Service officer, for loss of Govern- mentfunds_____ ------------- Branday" C!,harlotte C. (widow), . pension mcreased __________________ _ Brandi~, C?roline A. (widow), pensIOn mcreased __ --- - ------------- B7ando.n, qarmelia T. (widow), pensIOnmcreased___ - ---- -- --- - - - - -- Brandt! Ca.therine (widow), pension mcreased __ -__-------- __

Brandt! Ka;therine (widow), pensIOn lDcreased ____ .. ____ ___ ___ ___ _ INDEX. 3033 Pa&,e . 2088 1405 1405 1720 2007 1769 1777 1820 1898 1844 1708 2017 1708 1927 1746 1765 1708 1810 1918 2223 1940 1743 2381 2136 2086 2146 2073 914 1854 1931 2306 1743 1865 2095 Brandy, Grape, p .... tax on, or wine spirits, used in fortifying wines, reduced___ ____________ 868 abated or refunded if used in manu- !acturipg of vinegar or dealcohol- Ized WlDes _ _ _ _ _ ________ ______ 868 Brandywine Battle, Revolutionary War, tahlet authorized at Lititz, Pa., the burial place of American soldiers woundedat__________________ 718 Brandywine Street NW., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Forth- third Street to Forty-third Place; from gasoline tax fund__ 652 Branford, Conn., deficiency appropriation for public building at __________________ 32 Branian, Fannie H. (widow), pension_ ____ __ ____ ____ __ __ __ ___ ____ 1771 Brann,. Ma,ry E. (widow), pensIOn lDcreased___________________ 1871 Branso!", S.arah E, (widow), penSIOn lllcreased_ _ _____ ___________ _ 2112 Branstetter, Stephen R., pension__ _________ _____ __ __________ 1773 Branstetter, William F., pension____________________________ 1946 Brash,:"a, !Jridget M. (widow), pnslOn mcreased ____________________ 1909 Brassfi~ld, ~ophia A. (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ _ ______ ___ ___ _____ 2162 Braunlich, Emma (widow), pension____________________________ 2315 Braxton, Lillie B. (widow), pension____________________________ 1792 Bray, I!ar~ara (widow), pensIOn lDcrea.sed _ _ _________________ 2050 Bray, ~erer:a B. (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ ________ __________ 2182 Brayton, Florence (widow), pension increased_ __________________ 2177 Brayto"!, Jl.{ary A. (widow), pensIOn mcreased_____ _____ ____ _____ 2126 Brazie~, A!1nie (widow), pensIOn mcreased __ . ___________ ______ 2082 Brazil, appropration tor ambassador to _____ 65,1096 Brazos River, Tex., preliminary examination uf, and tribu- taries, for flood controL_______ 1164 Breard! Ly~ia (widow), pension lDcreased___________________ 2128 Brecett~, F~delin (widow), pensIOn mcreased ___________________ 2162 Breckenridqe, Mattie L. (widow), pension lDcreased_ _ ____ __ ______ _____ 1891 Brecou!1t, ~da V. (mother), pensIOn lDcreased_ _ _ ________________ 1840 Bredenkamp, Charlotte ·(widow), pension increased _______________ 1888,2288 Breen, .HaTl:nah (widow), pensIOn lDcreased_ _ __ ____ __ _________ 1914 Breen, .Pete: (son), pensIOn mcreased_ _ __ _______ ________ 1769 Breeze, J. L., former Lieutenant Naval Reserve Force, gold medal awarded, for achievement in first successful trans-Atlantic flight________________________ 1158 Brekke, Hilda Edith, payment to_ _ ______________ ____ ____ 1734 Bremerton, Wash., time extended for bridging Port Wash- ington Narrows in_ _ _ _ _____ __ _ 115l}