Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1377

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Boulder Canyon Project Act-Continued. contracts authorized for storage of water; charges to cover all ex- penses incurred by United States for operation, etc____________ _ contracts for water for irrigation and domestic uses to be for perma- nent service _________________ _ use of stored water required to be by contract ____________________ _ after repaying United States all money advanced, etc., revenues to be ex- pended in Colorado River basin, as hereafter prescribed _______ _ contracts to be awarded for sale of electrical energy _____________ _ time limit; readjustment after 15 years------------------------ determination of disputes, etc ___ _ renewl!.ls authorized; terms, etc ___ _ contracts for use of water for generat- ing and distriuuting electricity, to be made only with responsible partieD on application therefor __ price to be fixed to meet revenue requirements ________________ _ determination of conflicting applica- tions by the' Secretary of the Interior_____________________ _ preference to States for use in the State _______________________ _ Arizona, California, and Nevada given equal opportunity ______ _ rights to be contractcd for in six months _____________________ _ terms and conditions same as simi- lar contracts ________________ _ application by a State where no bond issue authorized, not to be denied until time given for having issue authorized and marketed __ agency receiving, for 100,000 horse- power electrical energy, to per- mit use of transmission lines to agency with less power con- tracts; limit_________________ _ public lands authorized for construction, etc., of main transmission lines_ dam and reservoir to be used for river regulation, navigation improve- ment, and flood controL ______ _ irrigation, domestic uses, etc., in pursuance of Colorado River compact ____________________ _ power __________________________ _ title to, etc., forever in United States_ leases of units of Government plant, to generate electricity ___________ _ water to generate electricity _______ _ terms as to revenue, etc., conflicting applications, joint use, etc., applicable __________________ _ rules and regulations conforming with Water Power Act regulations, to be prescribed ________________ _ system of accounting, control of rates, etc.;t recapture, penalties, etc ___ _ other l"ederal Power Commission rules, etc., applicable _________ _ no permits to be issued under Water Power Act, affecting Colorado River, etc.) .., except the Gila, in States of volorado River com- pact, until this Act becomes effective ____________________ _ 54835°-29---87 INDEX. 3031 Pa,£8 . IBmdder Canyon Project Ad-Continued. title to canal, etc., may be transferred to districts, etc,,. having capital invested therein, after all Gov- 1060 ernment advances have been re- 1060 1060 1060 1060 1060 1060 1060 1060 1060 1060 1060 1061 1061 1061 1061 1061 1061 1061 1061 1061 1061 1061 1061 1061 1061 1062 1062 1062 paid _____________________ . __ _ Laguna Dam, etc., excepted. ___ __ _ _ power possibilities to be utilized by the districts _____________ -- --- proceeds from, to be paid into the fund and credited on contracts __ United States, and all users of the water, subject to Colorado River compact, in construction, etc___ _ use of the water subject to terms of contract between Arizona, Cali- fornia, and Nevada, or any two thereof, as to water accruing to the States subsidiary to Colo- rado River compact __________ _ subject to consent of Congress, before January 1, 1929, orthereafter__ _ subsequent action on prior contracts_ irrigable lands withdrawn from public entry _______________________ _ to be opened in tracts not exceeding 160 acres under reclamation law _ eauitable share of CGlDstruction - costs etc., of canal to be paid in insta~eLts, etc _____________ _ revenues covered into the fund ___ _ preference right for three months to W:TarmstroBot (talk)cTarmstroBot (talk)_02:13, 7 January 2012 (UTC)~ _~ __~_oTarmstroBot (talk) if relinquished prior to actual resi- dence, not subject to entry for s~tydays------------------- thereafter, subject to ___________ _ existing contract with Imperial Irriga- tion District for connection with Laguna Dam, not modified here- by-------------------------- use of canal, etc __________________ _ study, etc., of lands in Arizona, to be embraced in Parker-Gila Valley reclamation project___________ _ recommendation as to practicable method of irrigating, etc_______ _ report to Congress of findings ______ _ meaning of terms; "Political subdivi· . " SlOn ______________________ _ "Reclamationlaw" ______________ _ "Maintenance" __________________ _ "Federal Water Power Act"_______ _ "Domestic" _____________________ _ Colorado River compact, signed by seven designated States for dis- position of 'Waters of the Colo- rado River, etc., approved by COngress _____ ~ ______________ _ waiver of provision for approval of each of signatory States _______ _ approval accepted when California and five other States consent to waiver, and approve the com- pact _______________________ _ all rights of United States in waters of the Colorado, etc., subject to~_ all patents, grants, etc' lforuseof waters of the Colorano or tributa- ries, subject to and controlled by_ conditions and covenants to run with the land, and rights attach as a matter oflaw, to patents, grants, etc _________________________ _ Pap. 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1063 1063 1063 1063 1063 1063 1063 1063 1063 1063 1063 1063 1063 1063 1064 1064 1064 1064 1064 1064 1064 1064 1064 1064 1064