Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1364

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3018 INDEX. Alliation Fields, Public-Continued. P1I.P . leases of public lands for use as p'ublic airports authorised; conditions, payment of annual rentaL_____ 729 maintenance, facilities, etc________ 729 regulations for use_ _ ____________ 729 unrestricted use, etc., by Federal aircraft___ _____ ______________ 729 right to assume full control for military purposes, if necessary __ 729 present leases may be canceled, and others issued under conditions hereof_______________________ 729 lands may be withdrawn for beacon lights, etc., except terminal air- ports________________________ 729 Aviation, Navy, (8ce also Bureau of Aero- nautics, Navy), appropriation for aircraft_ _ _______ 636, 1465 for aircraft factory, special clothing, catapults, helium, etc______ 636,1465 for incurred obligations for aircraft, etc _______________________ 637, 1465 for experimenting and devaloping_ aircraft___________________ 637,1465 for technical, drafting, clerical, etc. services ___________________ 637, 1465 for new construction, improvements, etc., at statioDS_ _____________ 637 disbursement and aeeountinr__ 637, 1465 contracts for new airplanes ____ 637,1465 limit of coast stations ________ 637,1465 use for airplane factory forbidden___ 637, 1465 determination, etc., of damages claims; report to Congress __ 637,1465 deficiency appropriation for _ ___ __ ___ 42, 48, 934. 1618, 1621, 1671 for, transferred to War____________ 46 board of officers to investigate and report on site for naval airship base_________________________ 1530 officers assigned to airships, participat- ing in aerial flights, service con- sidered as sea duty ____ ________ 498 A wards for Firat Bucu8Iful Tram-Atlantic Flight, correction in enrollment of bill relating to_________________________ 2397 Axe, Sarah H. (tDidoto), pension____________________________ 2271 Axline,. Mf.!tilda F. (widow), penSlOn mcreased_ _ __ ______ ____ ____ _ 2173 Axson, Elizabeth. A. (widow), pension____________________________ 2002 Ayre&, Lydia A. (widow), pension increased___________________ 1893 Ayres, Mary E. (widow), pension__ _ ____ ______________ _______ 1807 Aztec Land and Cattl, Company, purchase of lands of, within Fort Apache ReservatIOn for Indians thereofl from tribal funds______ 962 Aztec Ruina National Monumeld, N. Mex., proclamation setting aside and estab- lishing name_________________ 2954 B. B and P Bridge Company, may bridge Rio Grande, at Zapata, Tex_ approval of Mexico required ___ _ at Weslaco, Tex _________________ _ approval of Mexico requirecL ____ _ 387 387 471 471 B Strut SE./ D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Seven- teenth to Nineteenth Streei;&; from gasoline tax fund __ .. ___ __ _ Baalke, Richard C., pension ___________________________ _ Babb-Piegan, Mont., . ' appropriatjon for public building _____ _ deficiency appropriation for publio building at__________________ _ Boob, ~arafr. A., (widow), penslCn Increased __________________ _ Rabb, Sereny C. B . «widow), penmon ___________________________ _ Babcock, Melissa (.oidow), pension ___________________________ _ Babcoc~, R.ebecca A. (widow), penslOnIncreased___.________________ _ Bachor! NiI;ncy (widcw), penSlOn mcrea&cd __________________ _ Bar;k, GuntMr Carl, payClC:1t to, for personal injuries _____ _ 2':!~kus, Emma M. (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Bacon, Cornelia B. (widow), pensio~ incre&aed __________________ _ Badgeley, Washington (son), pension ___________________________ _ Badferr Agne.! (widow), pen"lOn increase<! __________________ _ Badger, Lillian, land patent to issue to; water power conditions __________________ _ Bacllanda National Monument, S. Dak. when privately owned lands within described area have been acquired, to be r:;et apart as ____ _ highways to be constructed by South Dakota prior to ________ _ area described _________________ _ location of highway ____________ _ administration by National Park Service _____________________ _ franchises for hotels, e~~ii:-y be granted prior to fu ent of conditions ___________________ _ examinations, excavations, etc., conditionally permitted _______ _ limited for benefit of educational institutions, etc ______________ _ effective when conditions complied with, and formally set aside by proclamation of the President __ Baertch, Oscar, etc., may bridge Mississippi River, at Alma, VV~ ________________________ _ BagbY'.Lucf'etia E. (widow), penSIon mcreased __________________ _ Baget, Ellen (daughter), pension ___________________________ _ Baggett, Grady B., pension ___________________________ _ Baggs, J4at;tha (widow), penSlOn Increased __________________ _ Bagl'JY, Eliza M. (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Bagley,. Philena (widow), penSIon Increased __________________ _ Bagley~ Sa~ah Frances (widow), penSIon mcreased __________________ _ Bailey, Addie L. (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Bailey,.A"!anda E. (widow), pensIon Increased. ___ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ _ 654 2383 1041 919 2232 1923 1772 2064 2068 1986 1964 209~ 1787 1874 1157 1553 1554 1554 1555 1555 1555 1555 1:555 1555 289 2230 1790 1993 1942 2169 1825 1744 11$70 1929