Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1360

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3014 Army--Continued. horses and mules for, limited to &etual needs of mounted service _____ _ purchases in open market: 8tandard required ____________________ _ polo ponies for Military Academy only, may be purchased..__ _ __ _ _ indebtedness of enlisted men, may be deducted, in monthly install- ments, from pay rolL ________ _ joint board of officers of, and Navy to survey, etc., of storage of am- munition ai places in dangerous proximity to populous commun- lties... _______________________ _ report, recommendAtious, etc., to be submitted to Congress by the Secret~ry ___________________ _ appropriations available for expenses_ lands for addition to Camp Bullis, Tex., to be acquired_______________ _ lease of New Orleans Quartermaster Intermediate Depot, authorized, to New Orleans Association of COmmerce __________________ _ loall of cots, etc., to national convention of American Legion at San Antonio, TelL _____ - - ---- __ --- at Louisville, Ky _______________ _ for reunion of United Confederate Veterans at Little Rock, Ark __ _ tents, etc., authorized for encamp- ment of United Confederate Veterans, at Charlotte, N. C __ _ obsolete aeronatical equipment au- thorized to museums and educa- tional institutioIlL ___________ _ loans or gifts authorized of condemned ordnance, etc., to veteran associ- ations, etc ________________ - -- lots in Saint Paul, Minn., granted to the city_____________________ _ price: prcceeds to post construction fund _______________________ _ Master Sergeant August J. Mack, appointed warrant officer ____ -- Clarence Ulery, appointed warrant officer ______________________ _ medical officer aasigned to the President allowed temporary rank, etc., of colonel _____________________ _ mileage, etc'1 of officers and civilians investigating battle fields to be paid from appropriations there- fer _________________________ _ Military Academy, completion of new cadet mess hall, dormitories, etc., authorized __ ._________ _______ _ additional buildings authorized ____ _ name of Ancon Hospital, Panama Canal Zone, changed to Gorgas Hospi- tal _________________________ _ no deduction of pay, etc., of retired warrant officers, enlisted men, etc., serving in Panama CanaL_ nonsectarian chapel authorized on ~ounds of Army medical center, In the District, at cost of Gray Ladies of the Red CrOS!L ______ _ officers credited with senice in Philip- pine Constabulary, for pay pe- riod and retirement rights_____ _ officers in Medical Corps credited for active .rervice in reserves, etc., in computing longevity, etc____ _ INDEX. 1'.... 245 245 246 698 35 35 35 1073 790 397 1142 61 1165 753 773 956 956 2043 2048 570 249 1071 1258 365 310 156 720 996 ANny--Continued. Ohio, relieved from responsibility fo. loes of National Guard property by tornado a~ Lorain ________ _ payments authorized to designated offi- cers for propert.y losse!i.. _______ _ portion of Camp Sherman conveyed to Department of Justice for indus- trial reformatory_____________ _ provisions for expenses for disp<?sition of remains of officers, enlIsted menL etc., extended to meml>ers 01 Army Nurse COrps ___________ _ recovery of bodies included.... __ _ __ _ _ purchaae of Kalena tract, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, authorized-_ land in Hawaii for heavy artillery firing installatioDS ____________ _ land authorized, for adding to target range at Auburn, Me_________ _ from National Guard allotment to ~1aine______________________ _ for rFt~~t~t_ ~~ _~~y:_ ~~:TarmstroBot (talk) 02:11, 7 January 2012 (UTC) real estate ofl,...acquired by Florida, in Santa. l(.()sa Island, may be used for recreational purposes.. ___ __ _ recovery of bodies of officers, soldiers, and civilian employees, author- ized to be ap'propriated for ____ _ repairs, etc., Fort Baker, Reservation, Calif., roads_________________ _ Reserve Owcers Training Corps; ad- vanced training not required to follow immedi&tely after the two years' course, etc_____________ _ Revolutionary cannon at Watervliet Arsenal donated to New York State Conservation Department_ Rynerson, Oren W' l summoned before settlm:e~ri~r ~~:~~tS-~-d~igw.t;d officers, etc __________________ _ sum authorized for paying Port of New Orleans Board of COmmisaioners, for rent of New Orleans Army Supply Base ________________ _ tract of land in Philadelphia may be sold to Pennsylvania Railroad __ proceeds to military posts cODStruc- tion fund ___________________ _ two L boats, authorized to be con- structed or purchased ________ _ two motor mine yawls, authorized for replacement_________________ _ unauthorized use of Congressional medal of honor, other medals of honor, etc., prohibited; punish- ment for ____________________ _ Vancouver, Wash., granted easement for public highway on Vancouver Barracks Reservation _________ _ yellow fever roll of honor to be carried in Army Register, annually ___ _ names specified__________________ _ descriptive entry thereon of services ofeach _____________________ _ gold medals to be struck and pre- sented; sum authorized _______ _ annual payments authorized in lieu of pensiolls, etc______________ _ Army Posts (866 Military Posts), Army Regi8ter, names on yellow fever honor roll to be published annually on ________ _ 985 2331 759 251 252 591 572 721 721 572 974 248 590 501 497 2038 2330 1433 312 312 718 717 437 60 1409 1409 1410 1410 1410 1409