Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1343

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INDEX. 2997 Aireraft, Postal Service-Continued. appropriation for inland mail transpor- Pap. tation by, under contracL __ 191,1053 deficiency appropriation for contract service________________ 27,1611,1650 for, New York and San Francisco__ 43 ten-year contracts authorized for mail transportation by_____________ 248 fixed rates per ~und or per mile____ 248 10we~~p~T~s~~=~ _TarmstroBot (talk) 02:08, 7 January 2012 (UTC)e_r_ :~_ ~_~: 248 decision of Postmaster General final_ 248 Airplane Bombs, Army, appropriation for manufacture, pur- chase, etc., oC________________ 342 Airplane Patrol in National Forests, appropriation for operating, to prevent forestfires _________________ 554,1204 Airplanes, deficiency appropriation for, Army Air Corps_______________________ 1665 Airports, Joint Commission on, establishment, composition, and powers of___________________________ 1698 Airship Base Naval, board of Navy officers to investigate and report on site for_________ 1530 Airship, International Society Jor Explora- tion of Arctic Regiona by, annual contributions authorized to, for five years_________________ 1222 deficiency appropriation for_______ 1652 Aitkin, Minn., bridge authorized across Mississippi River, at_____________________ 761 Ajo,.Ariz., deficiency appropriation for completing road within Pa~ago Indian Res- ervation from Tucson to _____ _ 18 Ak Chin Indian Reservation, Ariz., appropriation for irrigation project on _______________________ 210,1572 Akers, f!m1fUl (widow), pensIOn lDcreased___________________ 2099 Akin,1~nda F. (widow), pensIOn lDcreased___________________ 1749 Akins, .Fa~nie (widow), penSlon lDcreased _________________ .., _ 1890 Akins,.Ma'!"y E. (widow), pensIOn lDcreased___________________ 2198 Akron, Ohio, deficiency appropriation for public buildingat __________________ _ Alabama, 32 advances authorized to farmers and fruit growers in storm and flood stricken areas of, to purchase seed, feed, and fertilizer for crop of 1929_ ______ __________ ____ _ 1306 may acquire, after completion, bridge across Perdido Bay, at Bear Point________________________ 385 Inerarity Point, Fla., to Baldwin Tom~i~~RTarmstroBot (talk)at-Coffeeville~=== l~n may bridge Choctawhatchee River, in Dale County ________________ _ Conecuh River, in Escambia County_ Coosa River, at Cedar Blu1f _______ _ ~rwe!;:itt;.uad~ga- -a~(i-Sh~lby 977 295 288 295 Counties__ ____ ____ __ ______ ___ 288 mt :;~!~:n6!tTarmstroBot (talk)-L~tiderd&1e-a~d 110 Limestone Counties___________ 109 Alabama-Continued. Pa&'8 . may bridge Tennessee River, at Gun- tersville________ _____ ________ 286 at Scottsboro___________________ 287 at Whitesburg Ferry____________ 287 Tombigbee River, at Aliceville_____ 310 at Epes _____________ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _____ 308 at Gainesville____ ______________ 308 requirement of consent of legislature of, to purchase additional lands for Alabama National Forest, suspended until December 31, 1~30________________________ 1010 silver service presented to Battleship "Alabama," may be delivered to___________________________ 984 time extended for bridging Chattahoo- chee River, at Alaga, by Alabama ~drcoau:ha~~i~i~~;~-T~~--- 309 appropriation for education, etc ____ 215, 1576 deficiency appropriation for land and industrial assistance to _ _ _ _ ____ 900 lands in Texas purchased for, subject to mineral interests and timber contracts_ _ _ __ ________ __ __ ___ 1186 "Alabama," Battleship, silver service presented to, may be de- livered to the State___________ 984 Alabama Great Southern Railroad Com- pany, may reconstruct, et.c., bridge across Tombigbee River, at Epes, .Ala_ 115 Alabama National Forest, suspension until Dece.ber 31, 11130, of requirement for'consent of Ala- bama legislature to purchase of additional lands for___________ 1010 Alabama River, bridge authorized across, at Claiborne, Ala_______________________ 754 near Camden, Ala________________ 754 Alabama State Bridge Corporation, may construct toll bridges across desig- nated rivers within Alabama__ 753 rates of tolls applied to operation, sinking fund, etc_____________ 754 maintenance as free bridges after amortizing costs, etc__________ 754 use of tolls restricted_ _ _ __________ 754 uniformity of toll charges_ .. _______ 754 different charges allowed . for different bridges_ _ _ _ _________ 754 .A laga, Ala., time extended for bridging Chatta. - hoochee River at_____________ 309 Alaska, appropriation for salary of governor and secretary _________________ 240,1604 for contingent expenses _________ 240,1604 for legislative expenses____________ 240 for care of insane _____________ 240,1604 forjudges,attorneys _____________ SO,ll11 for marshals, clerks _____________ 80,1111 for district judges' expenses ______ 81 ,1112 for meals, etc., to jurors_________ 81,1112 for relief, etc., of shipwrecked Ameri- can seamen in______________ 68,1098 for marLing boundary line between Canada and ________________ 70, 1101 for expenses under treaty of 1925, demarcation of boundary line between Canada and _ _ _ _ _____ 70 for inspection, etc. l of mines in_ __ 101, 1131 for star route mail service in ___ 190,1052