Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1285

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1928. States under authority of the Act of Congress approved March finrt;, nineteen hundred and eleven (36 Stat., 00,1»). entitled "An Act To enable any State to cooperate with any other!jtate or States, or with the United States, for the protection of the watersheds of np,vigable streams, and to appoint a commission ior the acquisition of lands for the purpose of conserving the l)a.vigability of navigable riv~rs"; and WHEREAS, it has been found on :further examination that certain of the lands thus set apart IU'e not suitable for acquisition under the above mentioned Act, and, therefore, should be excluded. from said reservation; and WHEREAS, certain additional lands in the vicinity of said na. - tional forest have been or may hereafter. be acquired by the United States under said Act; NOW, THEREFORE, I, CALVIN COOLIDGE, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by section eleven of said Act, and by section twenty-four of the Act of March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one (26 Su...t., 1103), do proclaim. thq,t tb,e boundaries of said Cherokee National Forest are hereby changed to exclude therefrom, the lands found to ~ for acquisition, and to include other lands which have, been ~ may hereafter be acquired under the said A~, of March one, nineteen hundred and eleven, as shown on the diagram attached hereto and made a part hereof, and that, all lands within said boundaries which have been or may hereafter be acquired by the United Sta~~ under auth('rity of said Act, of March ODe, nineteen hundred and eleven, shall be permanently reserved and ~~stered as a part of the Cherokee National Forest. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be dixed. DONE in the city of Washington this 4th day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty- [SEAL] eight, and of the Independence of the Unit,ed Statel;> o~ America the one hundred and fifty-second. By the President: FBANK B Ku.woo SeC'l'etary of State. CALVINCoo~ By THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMEmOA A PROCLAMATION 2947 Boundarlesmodl1led. Vol. 36. p.~, VoL 26, p. HOO. April 28. 1928. WHEREAS, The President, having been duly notified by the SBSTarmstroBot (talk)dl~::~K.:d Board of Mediation that a dispute between the Kansas City! Mexico Orient 'Railroad and d0. R'l dCo . d rt' f ts t . employeas. an rIent 81 roo mpany, a carrIer, an ce am 0 'I ram Preamble. service employees which has not been heretofore adjusted under the provisions of the Railway Labor Act, now threatens substantially to interrupt interstate commerce in the States of Kansas, Oklahoma. and Texas along the line of said Kansas City, Mexico and Orient Railroad and its connecting carriersl NOW, THEREFORE, I, CalVIn Cooli~, P~ident of the er!':'~~:?nv~f~~ United States by virtue of the power ve.sted ill me by the constitu- and report thereon. tion and laws'of tho, United States, and by virtue of and under the VoU•• p. 686 . authority in me vested by Section 10 of the Railway Labor Act, do hereby I!reate a. board to be composed of five persons not pecuniarily or otherwise interested in &.Oy organization of railway employees