Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1243

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1927. by the United States and within the territorial limits of Porto Rico as in his opinion are no longer needed for purposes of the United States· and WHEREAS, certain portions of the reservations heretofore set apart for military or naval purposes within the Municipality of San Juan, Porto Rico, are no longer needed for the purposes of the United States· and 2913 WHEREAS, such lands are desired by the Municipality of San Juan, Porto Rico, in connection with the construction of a public road or boulevard within the limits of said Municipality and may be advantageously used for said purpose by the people of Porto Rico. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Calvin Coolidge, President of the United f.~~fedsoiratoTarmstroBot (talk)e~i: States, by virtue of the authority in me vested i do hereby proclaim ~s~gf:;,I purposee and make known that the following described ands to be used for . highway purposes only, and subject to the conditions hereinafter mentioned, are hereby transferred and conveyed to the peopll> of Porto Rico: Such strip or parcel of land within the Municipality of San Pescription. Juan, now occupIed as naval or military reservations, as may be needed to develop or construct a boulevard 15 meters wide, 7.50 meters on each side of the center line thereof, extending from "Plaza de Colon" to "San Antonio" bridge, such boulevard to follow, in a general way the upper bank of the embankment alon~ the sea shore line all through Puerto. de Tierra district, and ill the direction given below, taking as. a reference map for such purpose Department of Interior map of Porto Rico, a~ proved by Lawrence Graham, Commissioner, in November, 1909, on which are shown all federal and insular reserves, as well as ~rivate property, correspondin~ to the district of Puerta de Tierra, a more particular descnption of the center line of said proposed boulevard being as follows: The origin of the center line of the proposed boulevard is on Salvador Brau Street; thence along a tangent N 87° 03' E, a distance of 53.10 meters; thence along a 35° 30' curve to the right of a radius of 50 meters a distance of 6.96 meters to a point on the east boundary of Norzagaray Street in its intersection with Salvador-Brau Street where the military reservation begins. Starting along this point thence along the 35° 30' curve pre- viously describea another distance of 6.96 meters; thence along a tangent S 77° 00' E a distance of 76.21 meters; thence along a 17° 32' curve to the right of a radius of 100 meters a distance of 27.92 meters; thence 8long a tangent S 61° 00' E a distance of 5.79 meters; thence along a 61° 04' curve to the left of a radius of 30 meters a distance of 30.24 meters; thence along a tangent N 61 ° 15' E a distance of 13.97 meters; thence along a 29° 26' curve to the right of a radius of 60 meters a distance of 13.84 meters; thence along a tangent N 74° 28' E a distance of 60.00 meters; thence along a 21° 58' curve to the right of a radius of 80 meters a distance of 18.55 meters; thence along a tangent N 87° 45' E a distance of 106.02 meters; thence along a 17° 32' curve to the left of a radius of 100 meters a distance of 21.26 meters; thence along a tangent N 75° 34' E a distance of 181.51 meters; thence along a 25° 10' curve to the right of a radius of 70 meters a distance of 16.46 meters; thence along a tangent N 89° 03' E a distance of 90.51 meters; thence along a 1° 44' curve to the left of a radius of 1,000 meters a distance of 14.54 meters; thence along a tangent N 88° 13' E a distance of 26.55 meters; thence along an 8° 44' curve to the right of a radius of 200 meters a distance of 13.73 meters; thence along a tangent S 87° 51' E a distance of 207.27 meters; thence along a 44° 48' curve to the right of a radius of 40 meters a distance of