Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1225

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PROCLAMATIONS. By THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. April 4, 1927_._ A PROCLAMATION. WHERESThS fA.1 b' f h h Protection of mJgra- A, e ecretary 0 gncu ture, y Vll'tue 0 t e aut or- tory birds. ity vested in him by section three of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act ~~1TarmstroBot (talk) 01:48, 7 January 2012 (UTC): 755. (40 Stat., 755), has submitted to me for approval, regulations further Vol. 39, p.1702. amendatory of the regulations approved and proclaimed July- 31, 1918, which the Secretary of Agriculture has determined to be SUItable amendatory regulations permitting and governing the hunting, taking, capture, killing, possess~on, sale, purchase, shipment, trans- portation, carriage, and export of said bIrds and parts thereof and their nests and eggs, as follows: Regulation 3, Means by which Migratory Game Birds may be a~ded42, p. 2240, Taken, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: . REGULATION 3. -M EANS BY WHICH MIGRA- TORY GAME BIRDS MAY BE TAKEN. Means for taking birds. The mi~ratory game birds sp~cified in Regulation 4 hereof may be fl~~trictions taken durmg the open season wr~h a gun only, not larger than No. 10 Po.d, p. 2942. gauge, fired from the shoulder, except as specifically permitted by regulations 7, 8, 9, and 10 hereof; they may be taken during the open season from the land and water, with the aid of a dog, the use of decoys, and from a blind or floatin~ device; but nothing herein shall be deemed to permit the use of an aIrplane, powerboat, sailboat, boat under sail, floating device towed by powerboat or sailboat, or any sinkbox (battery), except that sinkboxes (batteries) may be used in the taking of waterfowl in coastal sounds and bays (including Back Bay, Princess Anne County, State of Virginia) and other coastal waters if placed not less than 700 yards from the shore line of the mainland at ordinary high tide and not less than 700 yards from any island at ordinary high tide, and not less than 700 yards from any other sinkbox (battery); and nothing herein shall be deemed to per- mit the use of an airplane, or a powerboat, sailboat, or other floating device fer the purpose of concentrating, driving, rallying, or stirring up migratory waterfowl. Regulation 4, O{>en Seasons on and Possession of Certain Migra.- tory Game Birds, IS hereby amended so as to read as follows:


Open seasons. SION OF CERTAIN MIGRATORY GAME BIRDS. modi· For the purpose of this regulation, each period of time herein Time prescribed. prescribed as an open season shall be construed to include the first a';;~~ded~' p. 2614 , and last days thereof. Waterfowl (except wood duck, eider ducks, and swans), rails, coot, Waterfowl, etc. gallinules, woodcock, Wilson snipe or jacksnipe, and mourning doves may be taken each day from half an hour before sunrise to sunset during the open seasons prescribed therefor in this regulation by the means and in the numbers permitted by regulations 3 and 5 hereof, 2901