Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1206

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2882 International Bn· reau. Experues. AnU. p.2841 . Contributions. Effective date. AnU. p 2841 . INTERNATIONAL RADIO CONVENTION. NOVE~BER 25, 1!)27. §3. 'rhe Administration of the Netherlands shall be charged with organizing the first meeting of the International Technical Consulting Committee on Radio Communication and with drawing up the pro- gram of work for this meeting. §4. The Administrations which shall have been represented at a meetin~ of the Committee shall agree on the designation of the Admimstration which shall call the following meeting. Questions to be studied by the Committee shall be sent to the Administration organizing the next meeting and that Administration shall determine the date and program of the meeting. §5. In principle, the meetings of the International Technical Con- sulting Committee on Radio Communication shall take place every two years. ARTICLE 34 International bureau §1. (1) The additional expenses resulting from the work of the International Bureau of the Telegraph Union On behalf of the radio services, must not exceed 200,000 francs a year, exclusive of: (a) The expenses appertaining to the work of conferences: (b) The expenses appertaining to the work of regularly created committees when, in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulations, or of a decision of a conference these expenses shall be borne by all the contracting countries. (2) The sum of 200,000 francs may be modified later by unanimous consent of the contracting Governments. §2. The supreme administration of the Swiss Confederation shall be designated to organize the division of radio services of the Inter- national Bureau of the Telegraph Union mentioned in Article 16 of the Convention; it shall have the complete supervision thereof, control its expense.!!l make the necessary advances, and establish the annual account. This account shall be communicated to all the other Administrations. §3. The amounts advanced for the needs of the radio service by the Administration which controls the International Bureau, must be repaid by the debtor Administration with the least possible delay, and, at the latest, within three months from the date the account i~ received. After this period of three months, the amounts due shall bear interest in favor of the creditor Administration at seven per cent per annum counting from the date of expiration of the period mentIoned. §4. (1) For the division of the expenses, the contracting States shall be divided into six classes, each contributing on the basis of a certain number of units namely: Units 1st cl888 ________________________________________________ 25 2ndcl888 ________________________________________________ 20 3rdclass ________________________________________________ 15 4thclass _________________________ ~ ________ _________ _____ 10 ·5th cl888 __ ~ _____________ _______ . ______________________ __ 5 6thclass________________________________________________ 3 (2) The Administrations shall inform the International Bureau of the class in which they wish their countries to be placed. (3) The above coefficients shall be multiplied for each class by the number of States therein and the sum of the products thus obtained gives the number by which the total expenses shall be divided, to determine the amount of the unit of expense. In conformity with the provisions of Article 13 of the Washington Convention, the present General Regulations will go into effect January 1, 1929.