Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1067

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TARIFF RELATIONS TREATY-CffiNA. JULY 25,1928. 2743 The above provisions shall become effective on January 1, 1929, provided that the exchange of ratifications hereinafter provided shall have taken place by that date; otherwise, at a date four months subsequent to such exchange of ratifications. Etrectlve date. qTICLEII. The English anfl Chinese texts of this Treaty have been carefully ~nglish teXt to pre- compared and vermed; but, in the event of there being a difference vall. of meaning between the two, the sense as expressed in the English text shall be held to prevail. . This treaty shall be ratified by the High Contracting Parties in Ratification. accordance with their respective constitutional methods, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in Washington ft8 soon ft8 possible. In testimony whereof, we, the undersigned, by virtue of our Signatures. respective powers have signed this Treaty in duplicate in the English and Chinese languages and have affixed our respective seals. Done at Peiping, the 25th day of July, 1928, corresponding to the 25th day of the 7th month of the 17th year of the Republic of China. [SEAL] J. V . A . MAcMURRAY [SEAL] ,TSE YEN SooNG [Chinese text not printed] AND WHEREAS the said Treaty has been duly ratified on both Ratifications u· parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged changed. In the city of Washington on the twentieth "lay of February, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Calvin Coolidge, Presi- Proclamatlon. dent of the United States of America, have caused the said Treaty to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE at the city of Washington this twenty-third day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [SEAL] twenty-nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and fifty-third. By the President: FRANK B KELwoG Secretary of State. CALVIN COOLIDGE