Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1017

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PARCEL POST CONVENTION-HUNGARY. July 3. 192A. August 16. 1028 . 2693 corded and report made to the Administration of origin. 5. Undeliverable parcels which taesenderhasmarked" Abandon" may be sold at auction at the expiration of thirty days, but in case such disposition is made of insured parcels proper record will be made and the Administration of origin notified as to the dis- position made of the parcels. The Administration of origin shall also be notified when for allY reason an insured parcel which is not delivered is not returned to the country of origin. XX. CUSTOMS CHARGES TO BE CANCELLED. Provided the formalities pre- scribed by the Customs authori- ties concerned are fulfilled, the customs charges, properly so- called, on parcels destroyed, sent back to the country of origin, or redirected to another country shall be cancelled both in Hun- gary and in the United States of America. XXI. RETRANSMISSION. Missent ordinary parcels shall be forwarded to their destination by the most direct route at the disposal of the reforwarding Ad- ministration but must not be marked with customs or other charges by the reforwarding Ad- ministration. Missent insured parcels shall not be f0rwarded to their destination unless they are forwarded as insured mail. If they cannot be forwarded as insured mail, they shall be re- turned to the country of origin. XXII. RECEPTACLES. Each Administration shall pro- vide the bags necessary for the disp_atch of its parcels. The bags shall be returned empty to the country of origin by the next mail. Empty bags shall be made up in vagy megsemmisiMsrdl jegyz~­ konyvet kell felvenni ~ arr61 a felvevlS igazgatast ertesiteni kell. 5. Azok a kezbesithetetlen n!"i~d .. .f~and~:,~11 csomagok, amelyekrM fela.d6juk lemondott, harmine nap letel- Mvel arveresen eladhat6k. Ha azonban ilyen eljaras erMkn- yilvanitassal ellatott csomaggal torMnik, errM kulon jegyz~kony- vet kell felvenni ~ a. felvev~ iga.zgatast ertesiteni kell arr61, hogy Ini tortent a esomaggal. A felvev~ igazgatast a.kkor is kell ertesiteni, ha. vala.mely nem kez- besitett erMknyilvanitassa.i e11a- tott csomagot va.laInilyen okb61 nem ktildenek vissza a felvev& orszagba. XX. VAMDIJAK ELTORLESE. Customs charges. Ha a v8.mhat6sagok altaI el6irt Cancelled if parcel destroyed, etc. eljarasi szabaIyokat betartottak, a megsemmisitett, a felvev6 or- szagba visszakiildot.t, vagy mas orsz8.gba ut8.nkuldott csomagokat terhef&, a. sz6 tulajdonkepeni er- telmeben vett, vamdijakat ugr Magyarorszagon mint az Amerl- kai Egyestilt Allamokban torlik. XXI. TEVIRANYITOTT CSOMAGOK Retransmission. UTANKttLDESE. Teviranyitott csoma~okat a Provisions (or ordi- nary parcels. rendelteMsi helytikre ke iranyi- tani es pedig az ut8.nkuld6 igazga- tasnak rendel kezesere a116 legro- videbb uton, de ezeket nem szabad semmifeIe vam, vagy egyeb dijakkal terhelni. Tevi- ranyitott erteknyH vani tasos Returnoflnsured. csomagokat cssk mint erMknyil- vanitassal e11atottakat szabad a. rendeltetesi helyiikre iranyitani. Ha ezeketnemleheterMknyilvani- tasoskent tovabbitani, akkor vis- sza ke11 kuldeni a felvevo orszag- ba. XXII. TARTALYOK. Receptacles. Minden igaz~atas maga tarto- Bags to be provided, zik a csomagjal kiildesehez sziik- etc. seges zsakok beszerzeserlSl gondo- skodni. A zsakokat a legkozce- lebbi postaval firesen kell vissza- kiildeni a. szarmazasi orszagba.