Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1002

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2678 Prepayment. PARCEL POST CONVENTION-HUNGARY. J'u~ 8,1928. Augult 16, 1928. 2. Except in the case of re- turned or r~cted parcels, the postage and such of the fees mentioned in the preceding sec- tion as are applicable, must be prepaid. 2. A Mrti es az utll.nktildot,t csomagokat kiveve, a postadi- jakat es az eUSbbi bekezdesben emlitett esetleges p6tdijakat el~re kelller6ni. ~~parstjon of par- III . PREPARATION OF PARCELS. III . A CSOMAGOK FELSZERELEES. Addressing require- ments. CllStOIm declaration. Dl!patch note to BC- company. 1. The name and address of the sender and of the addressee must be legibly and correctly written in every case when pos- sible on the parcel itself or on a label· gummed thereto and in thec&se of parcels ad~ssed by tag only because of their shape or size, must also be written on a separate slip which slip must be enclosed in the pa.rceI, but such address slips should be en- closed in all parcels. Parcels will not be accepted when sent by or addressed to initials, unlesa the initials are the adopted trade name of the senders or addressees. Addresses in ordinary pencil are not allowed, but copying ink or indelible pencil on a surface previously dampened may be used. 2. The sender shall prepare one customs declaration for each par- cel sent from either country, upon a special form provided for the purpose, which customs declara- tion shall give a general descrip- tion of: the parcel, an accurate statement in detail of its contents and value, date of mailing, the sender's name and address, and the name and address of the ad- dressee, and shall be securely attached to the parcel. The sender shall also prepare one despatch note for each parcel sent from either country, upon a special form provided for the purpose, which shall be securel~ attached to the parcel, and shall give the office of mailing, name and address of the sender, number of customs declarations, weight, postage paid, name and address of the addressee and office of 1. A felad6nak es a cimzettnek nevet es cimet olvashat6an es helyesen, hacsak lehetseges min- den esetben magua a csomagra vagy arm ragasztott cimiratra, kell imi. Olyan csomagokn61, amelyeken a cimzes a csomagok alakja miatt cimfQggvenyre van irva, a cimet kU18n ceclul6.ra felirva a csomagban is el kell helyezni. AjanIatos ilyen cim- OOdultl.kat egyeb csomagokban is elhelyezni. Olyan csomagok, amelyeken a felad6 vagy a cim- zett neve csak kezd.6bet1lkMI 6lll a 8z6llitasra nero fogadhat6k e1 kiveve, ha ezek a kezd6bet1lk a felad6knak vagy ~ cimzetteknek elfogadott kereskedelmi nevet jel- zik. Kozonseges ceruzlLval irt cimzes nem fogadnat6 el, de mllsol6- vagy t.intaceruaz-eUSzetesen meg- nedvesitett alapon-haszn61hat6. 2. A felad6 koteles minden ceo- maghoz egy darab vlunarunyilat- kozatot csatolni. Ez a varna- runyilatkozat, amelyet az erre a celra szolg616 nyomtatvll.nyra ken irni, magaban foglalja a csomag altalll.nos leirasat, tovabba a res- zletes adatokat a csomag tartal- mu61 es ertekerlSl, azonkivtil a feladas kelMt, a felad6 nevet es cimet, vegtil a ciIll7ett nevet es cimet. A vlunarunyilatkozatot tart6san a csomaghoz kell erlS- siteni. A felad6 koteles tovabbA. min- den csomaghoz az ellSirt sz6llit6- levelet csatolni, amelyet tarosan a csomaghoz ken erlSsiteni. A sz6llit61evemek tartalmaznia ken a felvevlShivatal nevet, & felad6 nevet es cimet, a vlunarunyilat- kozatok szamat, a csomag sulyat, a lefizetett postadijat: a ren- deltetesi hivatal nev~t, a cimzett nevet s cimet es erMknyilvani-