Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/991

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I. CH. 856 . 1928. May 29,1928. CHAP. 856 .-An Act To amend Title II of an Act approved February 28, [H . R . 12030.1 1925 (Fort y-thi rd St atute s, pa ge 10 66, Un ited State s Cod e, ti tle 3 9), r egula ting [Public, No. 566 .]

postal rates, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Unit ed St ates of Am eric a in Congr ess assem bled, That s ection 201, Title II, of the Act of February 28, 1925 (Forty-third Statutes, page 10 66, Un ited S tates Code, title 39, sec tion 2 81), i s amen ded to read as follo ws Private mailingcards. " SEC . 201 . The rate of postage on private mailing cards described Vol30,p.419 .

in the Act en titled `An A ct to amend the pos tal la ws rel ating to the use of postal cards,' approved May 19, 1898, shall be 1 cent each ." Postal rates. Vol . 43, p. amended . U.S . Code, p. 1253 . 1066, Business reply cards and envelopes . A ccept ance wit hout prepayment in quan- tity, at regular rates . Additional charge collected on delivery . Provisos . Cr edit allowe d at first, second, and third c lass offic es . Allowance at fourth class cam . D efici ent posta ge . Fi rstclass ma tter with one rate prepaid to be forwarded . Additional charges on delivery. Second-class matter . Vo l. 43, p. 1066, amended . U. S. Code, p. 1254 . Ra tes payabl e by publisher, etc ., on por- tion devoted to adver- tisements. Zone rates. BUS INE SS REPLY CAR DS AND ENVELOPES SE C. 2 . Under such regulations as the Postmaster General may prescribe, it shall be lawful to accept for transmission in the mails without prepayment of postage business reply cards and letters in business reply envelopes, which have been sent out in the quantity and under the conditions he may establish, postage thereon at the regular rate, toget her wi th an additi onal po stage charge of no t more than 2 cents on each such card and letter, to be collected on delivery Provided, That for the purpose of fixing the compensation and allow- ances at first, se cond, and third cl ass offic es credit shall be allowed only for the postage collected in addition to the regular rate on such cards and letters delivered at such offices : Provided further, That postmasters at offices of the fourth class shall be entitled to include in the amounts upon which their commissions on cancellations are based the amount of postage chargeable at the regular rate on such cards and letters mailed at their offices . DEFICIENT POSTAGE SEC. 3. All mail matter of the first class upon which one full rate of postage has been prepaid shall be forwarded to its destination, charged with the unpaid rate, to be collected on delivery . If the postage i s short p aid one r ate, the additiona l charge shall be 2 cents, or the deficient postage . If it is short more than one rate, the deficient postage and an additional charge of 1 cent for each ounce or fraction thereof shall be collected ." SECOND-CLASS MATTER SE C. 4 . Section 202, paragraph (a) (2 ), of the Act of February 28, 192 5 (For ty-thi rd Sta tutes, page 1066, U nited States Code, title 39, section 283), is hereby amended to read as follows : "SEC . 202 . (a) (2) On that portion of any such publication devoted to advertisements the rates per pound or fraction thereof for deliv ery withi n the eig ht postal zones es tablished for four th-class matter shall be as follows " For the first and second zones, 11/2 cents. " For the third zone, 2 cents . " For the fourth zone, 3 cents . 6G For the fifth zone, 4 cents . " For the sixth zone, 5 cents . " For the seventh zone, 6 cents. " For the eighth zone, and between the Philippine Islands and any por tion of the United State s, inc luding the Di strict of Co lumbia and the several Territories and possessions, 7 cents ."