Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/95

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 5. 1927. Department of Agri . culture . Navy D epartment . Wa r Departm ent . DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Fo r mi scel lane ous expe nses , De part ment of Agri cult ure, 4 cents. For general expenses, Extension Service, $10 .06 . For general expenses, Bureau of Animal Industry, $3 .08 . For general expenses, Bureau of Plant Industry, $6 .24 . For gen eral expenses , Weather Bure au, $5 . 15 . For suppressing spread of pink bollworm of cotton, 28 cents. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Interior Department . For national security and defense, Department of the Interior, $42 .90 . For stationery, Department of the Interior, $22 .30 . DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Department of jus- tice .

For salaries and expenses of district attorneys, United States courts, $150.34. For fees of commissioners, United States courts, $720 .80 . For miscellaneous expenses, United States courts, $90 .99 . DEPAR TMENT OF LABOR Department of La- bor.

For expenses of regulating immigration, $4. NAVY DEPARTMENT For organizing the Naval Reserve Force, 33 cents. For pay of the Navy, $881 .80 . For engineering, Bureau of Engineering, $1,326 . For pay, Marine Corps, $25 . For pay, miscellaneous, $35 .10. For transportation, Bureau of Navigation, $101 .40. For general expenses, Marine Corps, $88 .16 . TREASURY DEPARTMENT Trea sury De part - ment .

For contingent expenses, Treasury Department : Stationery, $3.94. For collecting the revenue from customs, $332 .04 . For enforcement of Narcotic and National Prohibition Acts, internal revenue, $103.19 . For refunding internal-revenue collections, $25 . Fo r coll ecting the int ernal revenue , 4 2 cent s . For Coast Guard, $231 .67 . For pay of personnel and maintenance of hospitals, Public Health Service, 39 cents . For repairs and preservation of public buildings, $268 .12. WAR DEPAR TMENT For pay, and so forth, of the Army, $12,886 .19. For pay of the Army, $337 .45 . For inc rease of comp ensation, Mili tary Establis hment, $1,310.56 . For increase of compensation, War Department, $20. For pay, and so forth, of the Army, war with Spain, $17.04 . For Army transportation, $55 .14 . For gen eral appropri ations, Quarte rmaster Corps , $871 .52. For supplies, services, and transportation, Quartermaster Corps, $1,318 .34.