Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/943

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I. Cii. 853. 1928. place to place, with authority to pay not more than $1,500 each to institutions under sectarian control and not more than $400 for burial of children dying while under charge of the board, fiscal year 1928, $55,000 . Work hous e . Workhouse : For maintenance, custody, clothing, guarding, care, and support of prisoners ; rewards for fugitives ; provisions, sub- sistence, medicine, and hospital instruments, furniture, and quarters for guards and other employees and inmates ; purchase of tools and eq uipm ent ; pu rchase and m ainten ance o f farm implem ents, livest ock, tool s, e quipm ent, and misce llane ous i tems ; trans portat ion ; ma i n - tenance and operation of nonpassenger-carrying motor vehicles ; sup- plies and labor ; and all other necessary items for thQ fiscal years that follow For 1927, $1,931 .89 ; For 1928, $9,000 . Medical charities . Medical charities : For care and treatment of indigent patients cinder contracts to be made by the Board of Public Welfare with the following institutions and for not to exceed the following amounts, respectively children's Hospital .

Children's Hospital, fiscal year 1926, $2,316 .25 ; Children's Hospital, fiscal year 1927, $9,355 ; Providence Hospital . Providence Hospital, fiscal year 1926, $604 ; Providence Hospital, fiscal year 1927, $490 ; Garfield Hospital .

Garfield Memorial Hospital, fiscal year 1926, $1,718 .50 ; Geor geto wn Un iver - Georgetown University Hospital, fiscal year 1926, $741 .50 ; sity Hospita l .

Georgetown University Hospital, fiscal year 1927, $441 .50 ; Was hi ngt on Ho me Washington Home for Incurables, fiscal year 1926, $17 .16 ; for Incurabl es . Emer genc y Hospital . Central Dispensary and Emergency Hospital, fiscal year 1928, $2,500 ; casu alty Hosp ital .

Eastern Dispensary and Casualty Hospital, fiscal year 1928, $3,700 . Gallinger Municipal Gallinger Municipal Hospital : For maintenance, maintenance of Hospital .

horses and horse-drawn vehicles, books of reference and periodicals not to exceed $50, maintenance of nonpassenger-carrying vehicles, and all other necessary' expenses, fiscal year 1928, $7,000 . National Training National Training School for Girls : The Commissioners of the School for Girls. Sal e of par t of District of Columbia are hereby empowered and authorized to accept grounds . the offer of Minnie Chapin, the owner of the estate for life in and to lot 85 in Gilbert and Allen's subdivision of lots in square 375, as per plat recorded in liber W. F ., folio 230, of the records of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia, of the sum of $2,500 for the interest in the remainder in fee vested in the National Training Schools for Girls and/or the United States of America, and upon the payment of such sum to the collector of taxes of the District of Columbia, the commissioners are hereby authorized and empowered to execute and deliver a sufficient deed conveying such remainder Proceeds credited to to the said purchaser, and such sum, when so paid to the collector of District revenues .

taxes, shall be credited to the revenues of the District of Columbia . Dis tr ict Training District Training School : Not exceeding $3,600 of the appropria- School ' Outhouses, etc . tion for the erection of two additional dormitories, District Training School, contained in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1928, shall be available as an additional amount for the er ection of a cow ba rn and haylof t, inc luding equip ment, and the construction of implement and tool house, for which appropria- tions were made in said Act. Grand Army sol - Temporary Home fo r Former Soldiers an d Sailors : For mai n- diers' borne .

tenance and repairs to building, fiscal year 1928, $800 . Saint E lizabeths Hospital for the insane : For support of indigent insane of the Hospital.

District of Columbia in Saint Elizabeths Hospital, as provided by law, fiscal ye ar 1928, $110,000 .