Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/838

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I . Cns. 817, 818. 1928 .

787 CHAP. 818 .-An Act For the relief of the town of Springdale, Utah . Be it enacted by the Senate a nd House of Re presentatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed, under such reason- able regulations as he may prescribe, to grant permission to the town of Springdale, Utah, to divert through such piping facilities as may be necessary, for domestic and other uses within the limits of said town of Springdale, Utah, water from certain springs in the Zion National Park, Utah, situated at the head of what is known as Oak Creek, which crosses the main highway about one-half mile below the park boundary , and located in approxima tely section 2 0, township 41 south, range 10 west, Salt Lake meridian . Approv ed, Ma y 28, 1928 . May 28, 1928 . [H. R. 12038 .1 [Public, No . 558 .] Yosemite Na tional Park . Acquisition of lands in pr ivate own ershi p to be added to, for pro- tecting park deer . Description . C H A P . 817 .-An Act T o authorize the acqu isition of certain p atented land adjoining the Yosemite National Park boundary by exchange, and for other purp oses . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That for the pur- pose of protecting park deer along the western boundary of the Yosemite National Park, the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to acquire as part of said park, by exchange as hereinafter provided, title in fee for and on behalf of the United States of America to all that land in sections 21 and 28 in township 3 south, range 20 east, Mount Diablo meridian, lying between the abandoned railroad grade running from a point in the Wawona Road near Chinquapin to the top of the abandoned incline hoist in the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 21, and' the east and west center line of section 21, and in sections 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27 lying b etween said a bandoned rail road grade and the exist- ing park boundary, containing one thousand three hundred and fifty acres, more or less, now held in private ownership, which lands upon acquisition shall be, and are hereby, added to the park ; and in Lands in exchange, exchange therefor the said Secretary be, and he is hereby, author- the be p eliminated from ized to issue patent to the owner of said lands, for the Government lands described as follows : That part of the north half of northeast quarter lying south of aban doned railroa d grade herein before men- tioned, north half of southwest quarter of northeast quarter, south- west quarter o f southwest q uarter of nor theast quarter , southwest quarter, west half of north east quarter of southeast q uarter, and southwest quarter of southeast quarter of section 25, township 3 south, range 20 east ; north half section 36, township 3 south, range 20 east ; southwest quarter northeast quarter, south half northeast quarter northw est quarter, west half nor thwest quarter , southeast quarter northwest quarter, northwest quarter southeast quarter, and west half southwest quarter southeast quarter section 32, township 3 south, range 21 east ; and northwest quarter section 5, township 4 so ut h, r an ge 2 1 ea st ; containing one thousand and ten acre s, more or less, which lands upon issuance of patent shall be, and are hereby, eliminated fro m said park . Approved, May 28, 1928 . Descr ipti on . May 28,1928 . [H. R.12706.1 [Public, No . 559 .] Springdale, Utah . May div ert water from spr ings in Zion National Park .