Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/808

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I. CHs. 764, 765. 1928 .

757. as possible under reasonable charges, but within a period of not to exc eed twenty ye ars from the completion the reof . After a sinking bridg Mai e ntenance aft er tc

as free ,e ., a' ft' er fund sufficient for such amortization shall have been so provided, tizing costs . such bridge shall thereafter be maintained and operated free of tolls, or the rates of toll shall thereafter be so adjusted as to provide a fund of not to exceed the amount necessary for the proper main- tenance, repair, and operation of the bridge and its approaches under economical management . An accurate record of the costs of the Record expendi- turns and rec eipts . bridge and its approaches, the expenditures for maintaining, repair- in g, and operat ing the same, and of the da ily to lls col lected, shall be kept and shall be available for the information of al l persons .n terest ed . SEC . 3 . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby Am endment . expressly reserved . Approved, May 26, 1928 . May 26, 1928. CHAP . 765 .-An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the State of Arkan- [s .4504.] sas, through its State highway department, to construct, maintain, and operate [Public, No. 529.] a toll bridge across White River at or near Augusta, Arkansas . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the con sent A White Rsas may of Congress is hereby granted to the State of Arkansas, through its bridg e, at Augusta. State highway department, to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the White River, at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, at or near Augusta, Arkansas, Con struction . in accordance with the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to Vol.34, p. 84. regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved March 23, 1906, and subject to the conditions and limitations contained in this Act . SE C. 2 . If tolls are charged for the use of such bridge, the rates ofApplication of rates of toll shall be so adjusted as to provide a fund sufficient (1) to pay the reasonable cost of maintaining, repairing, and operating the bridge and its approaches ; (2) the interest on borrowed money necessarily required and financing charges necessarily incurred in connection with the construction of the bridge and its approaches ; and (3) to p rovide a sink ing fund suff icient to reti re the bonds issued and sold in connection with such original construction . All All revenues to be so applied . revenue received from the bridge shall be applied to the foregoing purposes, and no bonds issued in connection with the construction of the bridge and its approaches shall be made to mature later than twenty years after the date of issue thereof . After a fund sufficient to retire such bonds in accordance with Maintenance as free their provisions shall have been so provided, the bridge shall there- bri dge eebwh en p fu nd rov den after be maintained and operated as a free highway bridge, upon which no tolls shall be charged . An accurate and itemized record Recor d of exp endi- r, of the original cost of the bridge and its approaches, the expendi- tares and receipts . tures for maintaining, repairing, and operating the same, the interest charges paid, and the tolls charged, and the daily revenues received from the bridge shall be kept by the State highway commission of Arkansas, and shall be available at all reasonable times for the information of all persons interested .

Amendment . SEC . 3 . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved . Approved, May 26, 1928 .