Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/802

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I . CHS .756-758 . 1928 . otherwise appropriated for material, equipment, supervision and engineering, and the employment of Indian l abor in the survey, impro vemen t, co nstr uctio n, an d ma inten ance of In dian rese rvati on roads not eligible to Government aid under the Federal Highway Act and for which no other appropriation is available, under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Secertary of the Interior . Approved, May 26, 1928 . May 26, 1928. CHAP. 757 .-An Act Granting certain land to the congregation of Saint [s .3620.1 Joseph's Roman Catholic Church in the parish of East Baton Rouge, Louisiana . [Public, No. 521 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Baton Rouge, La . United States o f America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby Patent to Saint Jo- sep h's ranted to the congregation of Saint Joseph's Roman Catholic Churc Roman Catholic g

h for tract of land Church in the parish of East Baton Rouge, Louisiana, all the pro- in Garrison Grounds prietary right, title, and interest of the United States to and in that atAnte, p 595 . certain tract of land in the United States Reservation or Garrison Grounds in the city of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, formerly used as a grave yard or burial ground by the congregation of St . Joseph's Church of said city in the parish of East Baton Rouge, which is not included in any of the lots or streets of said city, but lies on North Street and between Uncle Sam Street and the lot of the private property of H . E . Hausey, measuring two hundred and fourteen and five-tenths American measure, on line of said Hausey, running north by a depth of four hundred and ninety-seven feet, more or less, running east to the west line of Uncle Sam Street between pa rallel lines, and contai ning a pproxi mately two an d fort y-five one- hundredths acres, as described in the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the disposal of a portion of the United States Military Reser- vation at Baton Rouge, Louisiana," approved September 30, 1890; and the Secretary of the Interior, after such survey as he may deem necessary, shall, as a further evidence of title, direct the issuance of a patent in accordance with the provisions of this Act .

Forme r reservation SEC . 2 . That the provisions " unless hereafter required by the See- for military purposes retary of War for the use of the United States for military purposes " re 'O126, p . 503, repeal- be, and it is hereby, stricken from the Act of September 30, 1890 ed. (Twe nty-s ixth Statu tes, page 503), an d any impl ied condi tions of reversion of title to the Government of the United States contained in said A ct be, an d the sam e are her eby, repe aled, it being the purpose and intent of this Act to grant to the congregation of Saint Joseph's churohPlete title to the Roman Catholic Church of Baton Rouge . Lou isi ana, f ree fr om r est ric - tion, reservation, or condition, full and complete title in and to the lands described in section 1 hereof. Approved, May 26, 1928 . Descr ipti on. Vol.26,p . 503. 751 App rop ria ti ons au- tho riz ed for construc- tion roads in, not eligi - ble u nder Fede ral H igh- way Act, etc . Vol. 42, p. 212. May 26, 1928 . CHAP. 758 .-An Act Authorizing the South Carolina and the Georgia State [S .4474.] highway departme nts to construct, maintain, and operate a toll b ridge across [Public, No . 522.] the Savannah River at or near Burtons Ferry, near Sylvania, Georgia . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Unit ed St ates of Am eric a in Congr ess assem bled, That in o rder to promote inter state commer ce, im prove the pos tal se rvice, and p rovide for milit ary a nd ot her purpo ses t he S tate highw ay d epart ments of the r espec tive Stat es of Geor gia and S outh Carol ina, join tly a nd severally, or either of them, be and are hereby authorized to con- struct, maint ain, a nd ope rate a bridg e and a pproac hes th ereto across Savan nah River . Georgia and South Carolina may bridge, at Burton Ferry, Ga