Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/768

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I. CHs. 706-709 . .1928 .

717 Numbered 93, Legion, Texas, the size, price, and location thereof to be determined by the director . SEC . 7 . The Director of the United States Veterans' Bureau is Appraisal Dekalb and sale o f hereby authorized to have appraised and, after advertisement, to sell hospital reservation, at . to the highest bidder or bidders, as a whole or in parcels in his dis- cretion and on such terms as he may deem proper, the United States Veterans' Bureau Hospital reservation in th e county of Dekalb, State of Georgia, acquired by the United States by deed dated April 15, 192 0, and to ma ke, ex ecute, and d eliver all ne edful convey ances . The director shall have the right to reject any and all bids . The net proceed s of s uch sa le or sales shall be cove red in to the Treas ury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts . SEC . 8. Section 4 of the Act entitled "An Act to authorize an ingPrerictio, on build- appropriation to provide additional hospital and out-patient dis- Vol. 43, p. 1213 re• pensary facil ities for pe rsons entitl ed to h ospita lizati on und er the pe aled . World War Veterans' Act, 1924," approved Ma rch 3, 1925 (United U. S . Code, p. 1217. States Code, title 38, section 438), is hereby repealed . Approved, May 23, 1928 . May 23, 1928. CHAP. 707.-An Act To reserve certain lands on the public domain in Valencia [A. R . 114791 . County, New Mexi co, for the use a nd benefit of t he Acoma Pueblo Indians .

[Public, No . 481 .1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Ac. . Pueblo In- United States o f America in Congress assembled, That all vacant, dians. Lands in Ne w Mex- unapp ropri ated, and undi spose d of land s wit hin t owns hip 7 nort h, ico reserved for use of . ranges 7 and 8 west, and fractional township 8 north, range 8 west, New Mexico principal meridian, in New Mexic o, be, and they are hereby, reserved for the sole use and occupancy of the Indians of Proviso . the Acoma Pueblo : Provided, That the rights and claims of any affected . Existing rights not bona fide settler initiated under the public land laws prior to October 3, 1927, the date of withdrawal of the lands from all forms of entry, shall not be affected by this Act . Approved, May 23, 1928 . May 23,1928 . CHAP. 708.-An Act To provide for the construction or purchase of one [H . R . 10365 .1 heavy seagoing Air Corps retriever for the War Department.

[Public, No . 482 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Army. United States of America in Congress assembled, That there 18 Sum authorized for hereby authorized to be appropriated not to exceed $40,000 to be a heavy seagoing Air Corps retriever, at expended by the Secretary of War for the construction or purchase France Fi eld, Canal of one heavy seagoing Air Corps retriever for use at France Field, Zone. Canal Zone. Approved, May 23, 1928 . May 23, 1928 CHAP. 709.-An Act To provide for the construction or purchase of two [H . R .10364.1 motor mine yawls for the War Department .

[Public, No . 483 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That there is Sum y authorfzed for hereby authorized to be appropriated not to exceed $10,000 to be two motor mine yawls . expended by the Secretary of War for the construction or purchase of two motor mine yawls for replacement purposes, at a cost not to exceed $5,000 each . Approved, May 23, 1928 .