Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/736

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS : SEss. I . Cns. 663,-664. 1928 .

685 southwest quarter and the south half of the southeast quarter, sec- tion 21, township 145, range 26 west of the fifth principal meridian, in Minnesota, consisting of two hundred and forty acres, and reserved as a village site made to the Indians residing on the reser- vation of the Mississippi Chippewas, known as the Chippewa Reser- vation, and approved by the Secretary of the Interior on February 9, 1899, are hereby permanently reserved for said village site for said Indians . Approved, May 21, 1928 . May 21,1928. CHAP. 664 .-An Act To fix standa rds for hampers, rou nd stave baskets, [S .21 48 . ] and splint baskets for fruits and vegetables, and for other purposes .

[Public, No . 462 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the stand ard Fruits and vegetables hampers and rond stave baskets for fruits and vegetables shall be of containers . fixed for hampers and round the following capacities : One-eighth bushel, one-fourth bushel, one- stave baskets . half bushel, five-eighths bushel, three-fourths bushel, one bushel, one- Capacities specified . and-one-fourth bushels, one-and-one-half bushels, and two bushels , which, respectively, shall be of the cubic content set forth in this sec- tion . For the purposes of this Act a bushel, standard dry measure, has a capacity of two thousand one hundred and fifty and forty- two one-hundredths cubic inches .

Contents of standard (a) The standard one-eighth-bushel hamper or round stave sizes . basket shall contain two hundred and sixty-eight and eight-tenths cubic inches. (b) The standard one-fourth-bushel hamper or round stave basket shall contain five hundred and t hirty-seven a nd six-tenths cubic inches . (c) The standard one-half-bushel hamper or round stave basket shall contain one thousand and seventy-five and twenty-one one- hundredths cubic inches . (cc) The standard five-eighths-bushel hamper or round stave basket shall contain one thousand three hundred and forty-four cubic inches . (d) The s tandar d thre e-fou rths-b ushel hampe r or round stave basket shall contain one thousand six hundred and twelve and eight- tenths cubic inches . (e) The standard one -bushel hamper or round sta ve basket shal l co ntain two th ousand one hundre d and fifty and f orty-t wo one- hundr edths cubic i nches . (f) The standard one-and-one-fourth-bushel hamper or round stave basket shall contain two thousand six hundred and eighty- eight cubic inches . (g) T he standard o ne-and-one-hal f-bushel hamp er or round s tave basket shall contain three thousand two hundred and twenty-five and sixty-three one-hundredths cubic inches . (h) The standard two -bushel hamper or round sta ve basket shal l contain four thousand three hundred and eighty-four one-hundredths cubic inches. SEC. 2 . That the standard splint baskets for fruits and vegetables Spsntaasdetcfixed for shall be the four-quart basket, eight-quart basket, twelve-quart basket, Ca pacit ies speci fied . sixteen-quart basket, twenty-four-quart basket, and thirty-two-quart basket, standard dry measure . For the purposes of this Act a quart standard dry measure has a capacity of sixty-seven and two-tenths cubic inches.

Contents of standard (a) T he four-quart splint basket shall contai n two hundred and s i ze s . sixty-eight and eight-tenths cubic inches.