Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/718

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667 For contin gent e xpense s, fur niture , fixtu res, o il, bl acksmi thing, Conti ngent expens es . ga s and electr ic lig hting, flags , and halyard s, and other neces sary items, $30,000.

New apparatus . For one aerial hook and ladder truck, motor driven, $15,500 . For one pu mping engine , trip le com binatio n, mot or dri ven, $ 11,000 . For one rescue-squad wagon, motor driven, $12,000 . For two au tomobi les at $2,00 0 each , $4,00 0 .

Site near Connecticut For a site for an engine company to be located in the vicinity of and Nebraska Avenues . Connecticut and Nebraska Avenues, northwest, $12,000 : Provided, Purchase price re That no part of this appropriation shall be expended for the pur- striction . ch ase of an y site th e cost of which sh all exce ed the fu ll value assess- ment of such property last made before purchase thereof plus 25 per centum of such assessed value . The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereb author- Sale of site acquired y

for engine house at ized and directed to sell the property at the corner of Sixteenth and Sixteenth and `Vebster Webster Streets, heretofore acquired for a fire engine house site at Streets' pu blic or p rivate sa le at not less tha n the pu rchase pr ice paid therefor by the District of Columbia and pay the proceeds thereof into the Deposit of proceeds . Treasury of the United States, to the credit of the District of Colum- New company hou se bia ; and the Commissioners are hereby authorized and directed to erect at Sixt eent h Str eet and a fire engine house, with furniture and furnishings for a fire engine Co lorado Avenu e . company, at the northwest corner of Sixteenth Street and Colorado Avenue, on property belonging to the United States, and there is he reby set aside for such purp ose a plot of groun d run ning nort h from the junction of Sixteenth Street and Colorado Avenue, as now publicly owned, one hundred (100) feet on Sixteenth Street, thence west at right angles to the street, one hundred and sixty feet (160), thence south at right angles to the line of Colorado Avenue . The ations ova Balance of appropri- b

available . balance of the appropriations carried in the Acts of May 10, 1926, Vol. 44, pp . 437,1318 . and March 2, 1927, for an engine house in the vicinity of Sixteenth Street and Piney Branch Road Northwest, is made available for the purpose aforesaid . HEALTH DEPARTMENT S ALARI ES For personal services in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923,$166,430 . Contagious diseases PREV ENTION OF CONTAG IOUS DIS EASES

Pr even tion . For contin gent e xpense s inci dent t o the e nforce ment o f the provi- sions of an Act to prevent the spread of contagious diseases in the District of Columbia, approved March 3, 1897, and an Act for the prevention of scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, whooping cough, c hicke n pox epi demic cere brosp inal meni ngiti s, a nd ty phoid fev er in the District of Columbia, approved February 9, 1907, an d an Act to provide for regis tration o f all cas es of tu berculosi s in the District of Columbia, for free examination of sputum in suspected cases, and for preventing the spread of tuberculosis in said District of Columbia, approved May 13, 1908, under the direction of the health of ficer of said Dist rict, man ufacture of serum s, includ ing their use in indigent cases, and for the prevention of infantile paralysis and other communicable diseases, and of an Act for the prevention of venereal diseases in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes, approved February 26, 1925, including salaries or compensation for personal services, when ordered in writing by the commissioners and necessary for the enforcement and execution of said Acts, and for the prevention of such other communicable diseases as hereinbefore provided, purchase and maintenance of necessary horses, wagons, .54835'-29-PT 1-46 Health department . Pe rsona l se rvice s . Enfo rcement ex- pense s . Vol .29,p. 635. Vol.34,p. 889. Tuberculosis registra- tion . Vol.35,p. 126. Infantile paralysis . Venereal diseases. Vol.43,p. 1001.