Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/698

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I. CH. 659 . 1928 . For purchase of commodities, including personal services, in connec tion w ith in vestig ation and de tection of sa les of short weigh t and measu re, $ 500 . For maintenance and repairs to markets, $7,500 . For repairs, alterations, additions, and purchase and installment of equipment, Western Market, $35,000 . For maintenance and repair of seven nonpassenger-carrying motor vehicles, $2,500 . For the purch ase of one n onpass enger- carryin g moto r vehi cle, $ 4 7 5 . HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT For per sonal servic es in accord ance W ith the Class ificat ion Ac t of m Highways depart . 1923, $197,850 . SEW ER DEPA RTME NT 647 Inspe ctio n, et c. Marke ts, et c. Wester n marke t . Motor vehicles . For per sonal servic es in accord ance w ith the Class ificat ion Ac t of Sewer depart ment . 1923, $178,360 . TRE ES AND PA RKI NG D EPA RTM ENT For personal services in accordance with the Classification Act Of departmentTrees an . d park ing 1923, $19,720 . OF FICE OF CHIEF CLE RK, ENGI NEER DEPA RTMENT For per sonal servic es in accord ance w ith the Class ificat ion Ac t of Engineering depart- 1923, $26,040 .

went, office of chief clerk . CE NTR AL GARA GE For personal services in accordance with the Classification Act of Central garage . 1923, $4,890 . MUN ICI PAL ARCHITECT'S OFFICE For per sonal servic es in accord ance w ith the Class ificat ion Ac t of o> Munlcipalarchitect's 1923, $53,740 . All apportionments of appropriations for the use of the municipal dr Lim s t for services of archit ect in pa yment for the serv ices of d raftsmen, assistan t enginee rs, clerk s, cop yists, and i nspect ors, e mployed on co nstruc tion w ork pr o- vided for by said appropriations, shall be based on an amount not exceeding 3 per centum of a total of not more than $2,000,000 of appr opriat ions m ade fo r such const ruction proje cts an d not exceed ing 21/2 per c entum of a total of the app ropriati ons in ex cess of $2,0 00,0 00 . Amount increased . Public Utilities Com- PUBLIC UTILITIES CO MMI SSI ON

mission. Commissioners, peo- For two commissioners at $7,500 each; people's counsel, $7,500; pie's counsel, and per- and for other personal services in accordance with the Classification Sonnet - Act of 1923; in all, $72,230; and no part of this appropriation shall Time requir ements . be avail able for the c ompe nsati on of any pers on gi ving less than full time from nine o'clock antemeridian to four thirty o'clock post meridi an to his of ficial dutie s. For in cident al and all o ther g eneral necess ary ex penses autho rized by law, $4,200 . Incidental expenses . Examiners, steam en- gineers. BOARD OF EXAMINERS, STEAM ENGINEERS Salaries : Three members, at $150 each, $450 . DE PART MEN T OF INS URA NCE Ins urance de part- For personal services in accordance with the Classification Act of meat. 1923, $18,090 .