Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/638

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587 after the date of commission of such reconditioned vessels : Provided, Th at after such reconditioning neither of said steamships shall be sold f or less than the cost of recondi tioning, less a deductio n of 5 per centum per annum for depreciation from the date of completion of such reconditioning to the date of sale . Total, United States Shipping Board, $13,688,750 : Provid ed, Th a t of the sums herein made available under the United States Shipping Board, not to exceed an aggregate of $350,000 shall be expended for compensation of regular attorneys employed on a yearly salary basis and fo r fees a nd expen ses of a ttorneys employe d in spe cial cas es . UNIT ED STA TES VE TERAN S' BUR EAU Proviso . Selling p rice limited . Proviso . Compensation of at- torneys . Veterans' Bureau . For carrying ing out the provisions of an Act en titled "An Act to Salaries and expenses . establish a Veterans' Bureau and to improve the facilities and services Vol.42,p. 147. of su ch bureau and to fur ther amend and modify the War R isk Insurance Act approved August 9, 1921," and to carry out the provi- Vol.43,pp . 607 ,1302 ; sions of the Act entitled " World War Veterans' Act, 1924," approved vol. 44, p.826. June 7, 1924, as amended, and for administrative expenses in carrying Adj uste d Co mpens a- out the provis ions of the Worl d War Adju sted C ompen satio n Act of tion Act . May 19, 1924, inclu ding s alari es of pers onnel in th e Dis trict of p 82l .43,p .121 ;Vol.44, Columbia and elsewhere in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, and expenses of the central office at Washington, District of Other expenses. Columbia, and regional offices and suboffices, and including salaries, stat ionery, and mino r office supplie s, furni ture, equ ipment a nd sup- plies, rentals, and alterations, heat, light, and water, miscellaneous ex pens es, inc ludi ng t ele phon es, tel egra ms, fre ight , e xpre ss, law boo ks, books of reference, periodicals, ambulance service, towel service, laundry service, repairs to equipment, storage, ice, taxi service, car fare, stamps and box rent, traveling and subsistence, including not to Attendance at meet- exc eed $4,0 00 for t he expen ses, exc ept memb ership f ees, of employee s in gs . detailed by the director to attend meetings of associations for the pro motion o f medica l scienc e and an nual nat ional co nvention s of suc h organizations as may be recognized by the director in the presenta- tion or adjudication of claims under authority of section 500 of the Vol.43,p. 1311. Wo rld War Vete rans ' Act as ame nded , and tr avel ing expe nses of employees transferred fr om one official station to another when inc urred on the wri tten ord er of th e direct or, sala ries and expense s of employee s engage d in fie ld inves tigation and sup ervision , passen - ger-carrying and other motor vehicles, including purchase, ma in- tenance, repairs, and operation of same, salaries and operating expenses of the Arlington Building and annex, including repairs Arlin gton Buildin g . and mechanical equipment, fuel, electric current, ice, ash removal, and miscellaneous items ; and including the salaries and allowances, where applicable, wages, travel and subsistence of civil employees at the United States veterans' hospitals, supply depots, dispensaries, and clinics, including the furnishing and laundering of white duck suits, and white canvas shoes to employees whose duties make neces- sary

wearing the wearing of same, $40,000,000 : P rovide d, That physicians, proviso . Allowance for trans- dentists, and nurses of the medic al ser vice of the United States ferrin g household ef- fects of medical service V eteran s' Bu reau, in addition to their compe nsati on, wh en tr ans- employees on c han ges ferred from one official station to another for permanent duty, may of s tations . be all owed, withi n the disc retion and under written order of the director, the expenses incurred for packing, crating, drayage, and transportation of their household effects and other personal property not exceeding in all 5,000 pounds. Such portion of this appropriation as may be necessary shall be Hea lth Service to Public allotted from time to time by the United States Veterans' Bureau to the Public Health Service and shall be available for expenditure by 54835°-29-rT 1-41