Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/635

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 580. 1928 . International cats- International Catalogue of Scientific Literature : For the coo era- logue o. Scientific Lit-

p erature.

ti on of th e United States in the w ork of t he Inter national Catalog ue of Scientific Literature, including the preparation of a classified index catalogue of American scientific publications for incorporation in th e Intern ational Catalogu e, clerk hire, p urchase of books and per i- odicals, traveling expenses, and other necessary incidental expenses, $7,460 . vao ypagsieal obser- Astrophysical Observatory : For maintenance of the Astrophysical O bserva tory, unde r the direc tion of the Smit hsoni an Ins titut ion, in cluding assistan ts, purc hase of books, p eriodica ls, and apparatu s, ma king nec essary o bservati ons in h igh alti tudes, r epairs a nd alter a- tions of buildings, preparation of manuscripts, drawings and illus- trations, traveling expenses, and miscellaneous expenses, $33,200 . National Museum. Furniture, etc'

For cases, furniture, fixtures, and appliances required for the exhibition and safe-keeping of collections, including necessary Heating, lighting, etc . employees, $29,560 . For heating, lighting, electrical, telegraphic, apd telephonic serv- i ce, and tra veli ng expe nses, $84,040. For continuing preservation, exhibition, and increase of collections from the surveying and exploring expeditions of the Government, and from other sources, including necessary employees, travel, and all other necessary expenses and not exceeding $5,500 for prepara- tion of manuscripts, drawings, and illustrations for publications, $5 02,5 46. For repairs of buildings, shops, and sheds, including all necessary labor and material, $17,730. For purchase of books, pamphlets, and periodicals for reference, $2,000. For po stage st amps and foreign postal cards, $450. Preserving collec- tio ns, etc . Repairs, etc . Books, etc. Postage . National Gallery of Art. Administration ex. pens es. Printing and bind- ing . American Historical Association . Precise . No pro rata restric- tion . Services in the Dis- trict. Tariff Commission . Salaries and ex- pense s. NATIONAL MUSEUM NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART For the administration of the National Gallery of Art by the Smithsonian Institution, including compensation of necessary empl oyees, p urchase of books of refer ence and periodi cals, tr aveling expenses, and necessary incidental expenses, $31,168. PRINTING AND BIN DIN G For all printing and binding for the Smithsonian Institution, including all of its bureaus, offices, institutions, and services located in Washington, District of Columbia, and elsewhere, $95,000 . of which not to exceed $7,000 shall be available for printing the report of the American Historical Association : Provided, That the expendi- ture of this sum shall not be restricted to a pro rata amount in any period of the fiscal yea r . Total, Smithsonian Institution, $944,162, of which amount not to exceed $727,500 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . TARIFF COMMISSION For salaries and expenses of the United States Tariff Commission, including purchase and exchange of labor-saving devices, the pur- chase of professional and scientific books, law books, books of refer- ence, gloves and other protective equipment for photostat and other