Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/631

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I. CH. 580. 1928 . Printing and bind- For all printing and binding for the General Accounting Office, mg'

including monthly and annual editions of selected decisions of the Comptroller General, $25,000 . Total, General Accounting Office, $3,820,000. Housin g Corpora-

HOUSING CORPORATION tion, Salaries in the Dig- Salaries : For officers, clerks, and other employees in the District trict, for specified par- po ses . of Columbia necessary to collect and account for the receipts from the sale of properties and the receipts from the operation of unsold properties of the United States Housing Corporation, the Bureau of Industrial Housing and Transportation, property commandeered by the United States through the Secretary of Labor, and to collect the amounts advanced to transportation facilities and others, $40,300 : Pay r striation: Pro vided , That no person sha ll be employed hereunder at a rate of compensation exceeding $5,000 per annum, and only one person may be employed at that rate . Contingent expenses. Contingent expenses : For contingent and miscellaneous expenses of the offices at Washington, District of Columbia, including pur- chas e of bl ank bo oks, ma ps, sta tioner y, file cases, towel s, ice, brooms , soap, freight and express charges ; telegraph and telephone service ; and all other miscellaneous items and necessary expenses not included in the foregoing, and necessary to collect moneys and loans due the corporation, $5,000 . P rinting and bind- For all prin ting and bind ing for the U nited States H ousing Cor- pora tion, i ncludi ng all its bur eaus, offices , insti tution s, and service s located in Washington, District of Columbia, and elsewhere, $800 . Collect ions from sales, ate .

Collections : For the collection of money due from the sale of real vol. 41, p . 224. and other property under the provision of the Act approved July 19, 1919, the collection of rentals from unsold properties, including necessary office and travel expenses outside of the District of Colum- bia, $22,000. b . overnment Hotel, Washington, District of Columbia, Government hotel for Govern- ment workers : For maintenance, operation, and management of the hotel and restaurants therein, including purchase and replacement of equipment and personal services and including not to exceed $300 for the repair and maintenance of an automobile for official us e, Personal the District services in $403,250, of which amount not to exceed $238,590 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia in addition to any Pro vis o .

meal s and lodgin g all owed e mploye es : P rovide d, That no per son Pay restriction. shall be employed hereunder a a ate of compnsation exceeding $5,000 per annum, in addition to any meals and lodging, and only one person may be employed at that rate . sold property .aofnn- Maintenance, unsold property : To maintain and repair houses, buildings , and improvem ents which ar e unsold, $4 0 0 . Miscellaneous prop arty expenses. Miscellaneous expenses account of property sold : To pay taxes, special assessments, and other utility, municipal, State, and county charges or assessments unpaid by purchasers and which have been assessed against property in which the United States Housing Cor- poration has an interest, and to defray expenses incident to fore- closing mortgages, conducting sales under deeds of trust, or reacquir- ing title or possession of real property under default proceeding, including attorney fees, witness fees, court costs, charges, and other miscellaneous expenses, $4,000. Use of former appro priations restricted . No part of the appropriations heretofore made and available for expenditure by the United States Housing Corporation shall be expended for the purposes for which appropriations are made herein . Total, Housing Corporation, $475,750 .