Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/490

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I. Cus. 393, 394 . 1928 .

439 northern district as constituted by this Act ; and the district attorney to Desentt district and marshal for the district of Indiana in office immediately prior assigned to southern to the passage of this Act shall be duri ng the remaind er of their present terms of office the district attorney and marshal for the southern district as constituted by this Act .

District attor ney aad B . The President is authorized and directed to appoint, by and marshal to be ap- with the advice and consent of the Senate, a district attorney and po inted for northern a marshal for the United States District Court for the Norhern district . Dist rict of Indi ana . " 4 . A . The clerk of the court for the southern dis trict shall Offic es of cler ks . maintain an office in charge of himself or a deputy at Indianapolis, Terre Haute, Evansville, and New Albany, and the clerk of the court for the northern district shall maintain an office in charge of himself or a deputy at Fort Wayne, South Bend, and Hammond . Such offices shall be kep t open at all times for the trans action of the business of the court . Each deputy clerk shall keep in his office full records of all transactions and proceedings of the district court held at that place in which the office is located . " 5. A . The following Act is repealed : `An Act to authorize the Form er repealed. re- appointment of an additional district judge in Indiana for the pea led . district of Indiana and to establish judicial division lines and for other purposes, being the Act approved January 16, 1 925 ."' Approved, April 21, 1928 . April 21, 192x ;. . CHAP. 394.-An Act To permit taxation of lands of homestead and desert- [$.R. 475.1, land entrymen under the Reclamation Act .

[Public, No . 290.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Reclamation Act . United States of America in Congress assembled, That the lands of Vol . 32,p .388. any homestead entryman under the Act of June 17, ,1902, known as entrymen Lands uho mestead nde er r, sub the Reclamation Act, or any Act amendatory thereof or supple- sect to st ate, etc ., taxa . mentary thereto, may, after satisfactory proof of residence, improve- ment, and cultivation, and acceptance of such proof by the General Land Office, be taxed by the State or political subdivision thereof in which such lands are located, in the same manner and to the same extent as lands of a li ke character held under pr ivate ownershi p may be taxed .

Dese rt-l and e ntry - SEC. 2. That the lands of any desert-land entryman located within men receivin g w ater an irriga tion project c onstructed un der the Recla mation Act and from irrigation project, subject to tax . obtaining a water supply from such project and for whose land water has been actually available for a period of four years, may likewise be taxed by the State or political subdivision thereof in which such lands are located . SEC. 3. That all such taxes legally assessed shall be a lien upon sesd Lament of as- the lands and may be enforced upon said lands by the sale thereof in the same manner and under the same proceeding whereby said taxes are enforced against lands held under private owners hip : Prorisos. Provided, That the title or interest which the State or political Title conve yed by subdivision thereof may convey by tax sale tax deed, or as a result tax sale, etc., subject 7

to unpaid irrigation of any tax proceeding shall be subject to a prior lien reserved to the charges . United States for all the unpaid charges authorized by the said Act of June 17, 19 02, wheth er accrued or otherwise, bu t the holder of ta R igi s of holders of such tax deed or tax title resulting from such tax shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges in the land of an assignee under the provisions of the Act of June 23, 1910 (Thirty-sixth Statutes, Vol. 30, p . 592. page 592) . Approved, April 21, 1928 .