Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/463

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHs. 325,327-329 . 1928 . "For each certificate of official character, including the seal, 50 cents. " For filing and recording each notice of mechanic's lien, $1 . "For entering release of mechanic's lien, 50 cents for each order of lienor ; 75 cents for each undertaking of lienee . "For recording physicians', optometrists', and midwives' licenses, 50 cents each . "For, the clerk's attendance on the court while actually in session ; $5 per day ; and for all services rendered to the United States in Effective Apr il 1, cases in which the United States is a party of record, $5 ." 1928 .

This Act shall take effect on the 1st day of April, 1928, and shall apply to cases or proceedings filed subsequent thereto . Approved, April 6, 1928 . April 9, 1928 . [S, 3131 .1 CHAP . 3 27.-An Act To provide additional pay for personnel of the United [Public, No. 244 .1 States Navy assigned to duty on submarines and to diving duty . Navy .

Be it e nacted by the Senate and Ho use of Repres entatives o f t h e Additional pay for United States o f America in Congress assembled, That hereafter all submarine and diving officers of the Navy on duty on board a submarine of the Navy shall, while so serving, receive 25 per centum additional of the pay for their rank and service as now provided by law ; and an enlisted man of the United States Navy assigned to duty aboard a submarine of the Navy, or to the dut y of d iving, shall, in lie u of th e addit ional pay now authorized, receive pay, under such regulations as may be pre- scribed by the Secretary of the Navy, at the rate of not less than $5 Proviso . per month, and not exceeding $30 per month, in addition to the pay Extra for salvage div- and allowances of his rating and service : Provided, That divers fng in depths over 90 feet . employed in actual salvage operations in depths of over ninety feet shall, in addition to the foregoing, receive the sum of $5 per hour for each hour or fraction thereof so employed . Approved, April 9, 1928 . April 9, 1928 .

[H . R.7472 .1 CHAP . 328.-An Act To grant to the town of Cicero, Cook County, Illinois, [Public, No. 245 .]

an easement over certain Government property . Be it enacted b y the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Cicero, Ill.

Un ited Sta tes o f Amer ica in C ongr ess asse mble d, That the Secretary Right of way granted to, over Government of the Treasury is authorized and directed to grant to the town of property . Cicero, Cook County, Illinois, an easement over the south seven feet of that parcel of land owned by the Govern ment of the Un ited States situated between Fifty-second and Fifty-third Avenues and Twenty-fifth Street and Twenty-fourth Place for the purpose of widening an alley in such township to a width of fourteen feet ; said fourteen-foot alley to be repaired and maintained as are other public streets and a lleys in the s aid town . Such easement shall continue only so long as the land shall be used and maintained exclusively for alley purposes . Approved, April 9, 1928 . April 9, 1928. (H . R . 11140.1

CHAP . 329 .-An Act To provide for the inspection of the battle field of Kings [Pu blic, No . 246 .1

Mountain, South Carolina . Kings Mountain, S . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives of the C ., battle field .

United States of America in Congress assembled, That, to assist in the studies and investigations of battle fields in the United States