Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/453

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SEVENTI ETH CON GRESS . SESS. I . CHs. 311, 312. 1928 . Duties remitted on, lations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, the duties are hereby remitted on (1) cattle which strayed across the boundary line into any foreign country, or were driven across such boundary line for pasturage purposes only, and which were admitted to the United States under bond at any time between April 1, 1927, and Bonds can celle d .

the date of the enactment of this joint resolution, and (2) their off- spring and i ncrease so ad mitted during such period ; an d t he Se c- retary of the Treasury is authorized to cancel any such bond . Approved, April 2, 1928 . adm itt ed un der bond . April 1, 1118- [S .

231 0 .] CHAP. 312.-An Act Supplementary to, and amendatory of, the incorpora- tion of the Catholic University of America, organized under and by virtue of a certificate of incorporation pursuant to class 1, chapter 18, of the Revised Statutes of the United States rela ting to the District of C olumbia . Be it enacted by t he Senate and House of Repr esentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the incorpo- ration of the Catholic University of America under chapter 18, Revised Statut es of the Uni ted States re lating to the District of Columbia, be, and the same is hereby, ap proved and con firmed . SEC . 2. That in addition to the rights, duties, and obligations enjoyed and imposed by chapter 18 of the Revised Statutes of the District of Columbia the said university may enter into affiliated agreements with any institutions of learning within or outside of the District of Columbia, for the purpose of giving to students of such institutions the educational facilities of said university, upon suc h terms as ar e mutually ag reed upon by t he said unive rsity and the affiliated instituti ons . SEC. 3. That said university shall have, and is hereby given, the power to increase the number of its trustees from time to time by a two-thirds vote of the whole number of the trustees at the time such vote is taken to a number not exceeding fifty . In case of the incre ase of the num ber of truste es a certifica te stating the number of the board and the time when it shall go into effect, and that the action so taken was by a two-thirds vote as required by this Act, shall be filed with the Recorder of Deeds of the District of Columbia . SEC . 4. The said board of trustees shall have, and are hereby given, full power and authority, by a vote of two-thirds of its members, to adopt and change by-laws for the conduct of the business and educational work of said university, to fix the time of meetings, regular and special, and the form of notice to be given ; th ey may appoi nt an execu tive c ommitt ee co mposed of tr ustees , designate the number and chairman thereof, with such powers and autho rity as are u sually exercis ed by an exec utive committ ee, and which shall be conferred by the board subject always to the control of the board of trustees ; they may create and establish schools and depar tments of lea rning to be co nnected with and become a part of said university, and establish such scholastic boards and officers as may be required for academic operation and direction in education ; they may receive, invest, and administer endowments and gifts of money and property absolute or subject to payments by way of annuities during the life of the donor, for the maintenance of educational work by said university and by any department or chair the reof, now es tablis hed o r whic h may herea fter b e crea ted or established by said university, and they shall have all of the powers and authority heretofore granted to. or invested in the trustees of said university by chapter 18 of the Revised Statutes of the United States relating to the District of Columbia. [Public, No . 235 .] District of Columbia. Catholic University of America . Charter approved . R.S.D.C.,ch.18, p.63. Facilities of, may be extended to affiliated institutions. Number of trustees may be increased . Certificate to be filed with Recorder of Deeds . Po wers and auth or- ity of board of trustees declared .