Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/412

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361 Eastern Branch, Togus, Maine : Current expenses, $57,500 ; Subsistence, $113,00() ; Household, $105,000 ; Hospital, $72,000 ; Transportation, $500 ; Repairs, $35,000 ; Farm , $26,0 00 ; In all, Eastern Branch, $409,000 . Southern Branch, Hampton, Virginia : Current expenses, $65,000 ; Su bsiste nce, $26 7,00 0 ; Household, $130,000 ; Hospital, $165,000 ; Transportation, $1,000 ; R epai rs, $50,000 ; Fa rm, $16,500 ; In all, Southern Branch, $694,500 . Western Branch, Leavenworth, Kansas : Current expenses, $71,600 ; Su bsiste nce, $24 5,00 0 ; Ho usehol d, $ 145, 000 ; Hospital, $150,000 ; Transportation, $500 ; R epai rs, $66,000 ; F arm, $25,200 ; In all, Western Branch, $703,300 . Pacific Branch, Santa Monica, California : Current expenses, $80,000 ; Subsistence, $492,000 ; Ho usehol d, $ 145, 000 ; Hospital, $392,000 ; Transportation, $1,000 ; R epai rs, $70,000 ; F arm, $30,000 ; For the construction on land now owned by the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers of a sanitary, fireproof mess hall of a sea ting cap acit y of twe lve hund red, inc ludi ng k itch en, bake ry, and dormitories for employees

such mess hall shall include all neces-

sary bui ldin gs w ith the appr opri ate mech anic al e quip ment , in clud ing service lines, and equipment for heat, light fuel, water, sewage, and gas, and kitchen, bakery, and mess-hall furniture and equipment, including tableware, as may be approved by the Board of Managers, Nation al Hom e for Disab led Vo luntee r Sold iers, $200,000, to be immediately available : Provided, That the Secretary of the Treas- ury, upon request of the Board of Managers, may have all architec- tural and inspection work in connection with such mess hall performed by the Office of the Supervising Architect of the Treasury Depart- ment and the proper appropriations of that office may be reimbursed from this appropriation on that account ; In all, Pacific Branch, $1,410,000 . Marion Branch, Marion, Indiana : Current expenses, $57,000 ; Su bsiste nce, $26 0,00 0 ; Household, $105,000 ; Hospital, $1,006,000, of which sum there shall be available imme- diately $600,0 00 for the co nstruct ion of three cottage s, with an ag gre- gate capacity of two hundred beds, and $100,000 for the construction of a sanitary fireproof annex to the present hospital with a capacity of fifty b eds, in cluding on ac count o f each of suc h proje cts the const ruc- tion of such necessary approach work, roadways, and other facilities leading thereto, heating and ventilating apparatus, furniture, equip- ment, and accessories, as may be approved by the Board of Managers Togus, Me. Hampton, Va. Leavenworth, Kans . Santa Monica, Calif. Const ructi on o f san i- tary mess hall, etc. Pro vis o . Work by Architect of the Treasury . Marion, Ind . Const ructi on o f add i- tional hospital cot- tages , etc . Vol.44,p. 1421.