Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/385

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334 SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 232. 1928. Motor veh ic le re• No money appropriated by this Act shall be expended for the stnction . hire, operation, maintenance, or repair of any motor-propelled vehicle which shall be employed wholly or in part for personal, social, or similar use, except such use as is prescribed by order for the tra nspo rtat ion of A rmy pers onne l in con nect ion with the rec reat iona l ac tivi ties of the Army . vehicles Purchase of emotor None of the funds appropriated or made available in this Act shall be used for the purchase of motor-propelled freight-carrying vehicles for the Army except those that are purchased solely for experimental purposes, nor shall any of such funds be used for the purchase or exchange of more than four hundred and fifty-eight mot or-p rope lled pas seng er-c arry ing vehi cles (at a c ost not to e xcee d $1,000 each, including the value of a vehicle exchanged) and ten such vehicles (at a cost not exceeding $2,500 each, including the value of a vehicle exchanged) for the Army in excess of those that are purchased solely for experimental purposes . Horses.


For the purchase of horses within limits as to age, sex, and size Ante, p.245.

to be prescribed by the Secretary of War for remuts fr officers entitled to public mounts, for the United States Military Academy, and for such organizations and members of the military service as may be required to be mounted, and for all expenses incident to such breeding Encouragement horses . purchases horses suitable $150,000 Army, t i n ucooperation wtwith breeding Bureau of Animal Industry, Department of Agriculture, including the pur- Provssos . chase of animals for breeding purposes and their maintenance), Number limite d . $52 9,500 : Provided, That the number of horses purchased under this appropriation shall be limited to the actual needs of the mounted service, including reasonable provision for remounts . When pra cti- chaseesn market pu r- cable, horses shall be purchased in open market at all military posts or stations, when needed, within a maximum price to be fixed by the Secretary of War : Provided further, That no part of this appropria- tion shall be expended for the purchase of any horse below the Standards required. standard set by Army Regulations for Cavalry and Artillery horses, except when purchased as remounts or for instruction of cadets at the United States Military Academy, except that not to exceed $100 Native horses in of this appropriation shall be available for the purchase of native China. Chinese horses of specifications to be approved by the Secretary of War for the actual needs of the American forces in China : An d prov ided fur ther , That no part of this appropriation shall be Polo ponies limited . expe nded for pol o po nies exc ept for West Poi nt M ilit ary Acad emy, and such ponies shall not be used at any other place . Military posts.

MIL ITARY POSTS Payment of eo n- For construction and installation at military posts of buildings struction, etc . , ob liga-

2 tions .

utilities, and appurtenances thereto, as authorized by an Act entitled I3Vol . 44, pp 87 8, "An Act to a utho rize app ropr iati ons for cons truc tion at mili tary Ante, p. 330 .

posts, and for other purposes," approved March 3, 1927, as amended P. altr C Reed Hos- by the Act approved February 18, 1928, and including $310 ,000 for Restrictions waived . Walter Reed General Hospital as authorized by the Act approved pp. 20,sees.' 1131, 3734, February 18, 1928, without reference to sections 1136 and 37 34, teE Revised Statutes, including also the engagement, by contract or ngag ment of archi- otherwise, of the services of architects, or firms, or partnerships s,etc.

thereof, and other technical and professional personnel as may be deemed necessary without regard to civil-service requirements and restrictions of law governing the employment and com-