Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/363

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312 March 13, 1928 . [II. R. 5476.] [Public, No . i6S .] Ar my . Sale of tract in Phila- delphia to Pennsylva- nia Railroad Company . CHAP. 218.-An Act To authorize the Secretary of War to sell to the Penn- sylvania Railroad Company a tract of land situate in the city of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secre tary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized, in his discretion, to sell, upon such terms and conditions as he considers advisable, to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, or its nominee, a tract of land conta ining one an d fiv e thou sand f ive hu ndred and twelve ten- thousandths acres, more o r less, said tract now form ing a part of War Department reservation at Twenty-first Str eet and Ore gon Avenue, being the westerly end of the reservation, situate in the city of Philadelphi a and State o f Pennsylvani a, which said tract is no longer needed for military purposes, and to execute and deliver in the name of the United States and in its behalf, with and to the said the Pe nnsylv ania R ailro ad Com pany, or its nomi nee, a ny and all contracts, conveyances, or other instruments necessary to effectuate such sale ; the proceeds of the sale of the property hereinbefore desig- nated to be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the fund known as the Military posts construction fund : Provided, That the Secre- tary of War shall have the said tract appraised at the expense of the appraised value .

Pennsylvania Railroad Company : And provided further, Tha t the Secreta ry of W ar shal l not sell sa id trac t for a less conside ration than the appraised value hereinbefore referred to . App roved, March 13, 1 928 . Proceeds to military posts construction fund . Provisos . Appraisal . No sale for less than [Public, No. 169 .] SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. I . Ciis . 218, 219 . 1928 . March 13,1928 . [S .700 .] CHAP. 219.-An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to execute an agreement with the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District providing for conse rvation, irr igation, dra inage, and fl ood control for the Pueb lo Indian la nds in the Rio Grande Valley, N ew Mexico, and for o ther purposes . Be it enacted by the 8-ate and House o f Reps° Middle Rio Crandaesentatives of tlae Conservancy District . United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Agreement with , for irrigation, etc .,

of the Interior is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with of Pueblo Indian lands in the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, a political subdivision New Mexico . Vol . 44, p. 1098 .

of the State of New Mexico, providing for conservation, irrigation, Po st, pp . 900, 1640 . drainage, and flood control for the Pueblo Indian lands situated within the exterior boundaries of the said Middle Rio Grande Con- servancy District, as provided for by plans prepared for this purpose Indians' sbare of con- in pursuance to an Act of February 14, 1927 (Forty-fourth Statutes strnctioncostspayable at Large, page 1098) . The construction cost of such conservation, in installments, irrigation, drainage, and flood-control work apportioned to the Indian lands shall not exceed $1,593,311, and said sum, or so much thereof as may be required to pay the Indians' share of the cost of the work herein provided for, shall be payable in not less than five Provisos .

installments without interest, which installments shall be paid annu- Payment withheld if ally as work progresses : Provided, That should at any time it appear work not approved. t o the said Secre tary that con struction work is not being carried out in accordance with plans approved by him, he shall withhold payment of any sums that may under the agreement be due the con- servancy district until such work shall have been done in accordance costoPok olands . of with the said plans : Provided further, That in determining the share of the cost of the works to be apportioned to the Indian lands there sh all be t aken int o co nsid erat ion only the Ind ian acre age bene fite d which shall be definitely determined by said Secretary and such acreage shall include only lands feasibly susceptible of e conomi c irrigation and cultivation, and materially benefited by this work, and in no event shall the average per acre cost for the area of Indian