Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/239

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188 Field service . Postmaster General . Equ ipmen t sh ops building . Cash rewards to em- ployees for inventions for improving the serv- ice . Proviso. Addi tional to reg ular pay . Amo unt li mited . Agreement for Gov- ernment use required . App ropria tion re- stricted . Shipment of equip- ment, supplies, etc . Travel, etc . Damages claims . Vol.42,p.63. Inspectors . Traveling expenses, investigations, etc . Miscellaneous . Clerks at division head quarte rs . Rewards, etc . Provisos . Death of offender . Rates limited . SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I. CH. 126. 1928 . for med, and appropr iations for 1929 of the characte r hereto fore use d for such purposes shall be available therefor . FIEL D SE RVIC E, P OST OFF ICE DEPA RTME NT OFFICE OF POSTMASTER GENERAL For gas, electric power, and light, and the repair of machinery, United States Post Office Department equipment shops building, $8,000 . The Postmaster General is hereby authorized to pay a cash reward for any invention, suggestion, or series of suggestions for an improve- ment or economy in device, design, or process applicable to the Postal Se rvic e su bmit ted by one or mo re e mplo yees of the Post Off ice Department or the Postal Service which shall be adopted for use and will clearly effect a material economy or increase efficiency, and for that purpose the sum of $1,500 is hereby appropriated : Pro vided , That the sums so paid to employees in accordance with this Act shall be in addition to their usual compensation : Provided further, That the to tal amount pa id under the provisions of thi s Act shall not exceed $1,000 in any month or for any one invention or suggestion Provided further, That no employee shall be paid a reward under this Act until he has properly executed an agreement to the effect that the use by the United States of the invention, suggestion, or series of suggestions ma de by him shall not form the basis of a further claim of any nature upon the United States by him, his heirs, or assigns : Provided further, That this appropriation shall be avail- abl e for no other p urpose . For the transportation and delivery of equipment, materials, and supplies for the Post Office Department and Postal Service by freight, ex press, or m otor transp ortat ion, and ot her i ncide ntal e xpens es, $40 0,000 . For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the Postal Service, office of the Post master G eneral, $1,000 . To enable the Postmaster General to pay claims for damages to persons or property in accordance with the provisions of the Defi- ci ency A pprop riati on Act appr oved June 16, 1921, $10,000 . OFFICE OF CHIEF INSPECTOR : For salaries of fifteen inspectors in charge of divisions, at $4,500 each ; and f ive h undred and twent y- five inspectors, $1,974,300 ; in all, $2,041,800. For traveling expenses of inspectors, inspectors in charge, the chief post-office inspector, and the assistant chief post-office inspector, and for the traveling expenses of four clerks performing stenographic and clerical assistance to post-office inspectors in the investigation of important fraud cases, and for tests, exhibits, documents, photo- graphs, office and other necessary expenses incurred by post-office inspec tors in connecti on with their of ficial investiga tions, $479,000 . For necessary miscellaneous expenses at division headquarters, $14,000. For compensation of one hundred and thirty clerks at division headquarters, $315,000 . For payment of rewards for the detection, arrest, and conviction of post-off ice burg lars, ro bbers, a nd highw ay mail robbers, $45,000 : Provided, That rewards may be paid, in the discretion of the Post- master General, when an offender of the class mentioned was killed in the act of committing the crime or in resisting lawful arrest Provided further, That no part of this sum shall be used to pay any rewards at rates in excess of those specified in Post Office Department Or der 7708, dated July 1, 1922, except that not more than $2,000