Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/221

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170 Prohibition Bureau . Expenses enforcing Prohibition and Nar- cotic Acts . Vol. 38, p. 785. Post, p . 2390. Vol. 41, p. 305. Vol. 40, p. 1130. Vol. 42, p.298. Post, p . 2390. Vol. 44, p. 1381. Executive officers, pe rsonne l, etc . Supplies, equipment, etc. Services in the Dis- trict. Provisos. Na rcotic Act en force- ment . Use of seized vehicles . Vol.43,p.1116. Restriction on pay- ing for storage of seized goods in private ware- houses . Di stille d spiri ts may be removed to a ware- house for bottling in bond. Post, p. 2390. Coast Guard. Off ice pe rsonnel . SEVENTI ETH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 126 . 1928 . that such bond, in the case of a claim allowed after the passage of this Ac t, was filed b efore the all owance of the claim by the commissioner . BUREAU OF PROHIBITION For expense s to enf orce the provisi ons of t he Natio nal Proh ibition Act, as amended, and the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the registration of, with collectors of internal revenue, and to impose a special tax upon, all persons who prod uce, import, manufacture, compound , deal i n, dispe nse, sell , distri bute, or give aw ay opium or cocoa leaves, their salts, derivatives, or preparations, and for other purposes," approved December 17, 1914, as amended by the Revenue Act of 1918, and the Act entitled "An Act to amend an Act entitled 'An Act to prohibit the importation and use of opium for other than medicinal purposes,' approved February 9, 1909," as amended by the Act of May 26, 1922, known as " The Narcotic Drugs Import and Export Act," and for carrying out the applicable provisions of the Act approved March 3, 1927 (Statutes at Large, volume 44, page 1381), incl uding the employment of executive officers, attorney s, agent s, inspe ctors, ch emists, assistant chemists, super- visors, gaugers, storekeepers, storekeepers-gaugers, clerks, and mes- sengers in the field and in the Bureau of Prohibition in the District of Columbia, to be appointed as authorized by law ; the securing of evidence of violations of the Acts ; the purchase of such supplies, equipment, mechanical devices, laboratory supplies, books, and such other expenditures as may be necessary in the District of Columbia and the several field offices ; hire, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled or horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles when nec ess ary ; and for rent al of ne cessary quarters ; in all, $ 12,729,140 , of which amount not to exceed $658,320 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia : Provided, That not to exceed $1,350,440 of the foregoing sum shall be expended for enforcem ent of t he provi sions of the said Acts of Decembe r 17, 19 14, and May 26, 1922, and the Secretary of t he Treasury may authorize the use, by narc otic age nts, of m otor veh icles co nfiscate d under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1925, and pay the maintenance, repair, and operation thereof from this allotment : Provided further, That no money herein appropriated for the enforcement of the National Prohibition Act, the customs laws, or internal revenue laws, shall be used to pay for storage in any private warehouse of intoxicating liquor, or other property in connection therewith seized pursuant to said Acts and necessary to be stored, where there is available for that purpose space in a Government warehouse or other suitable Government property in the judicial district wherein such property was seized, or in an adjacent judicial - district, and when such seiz ed pr oper ty is sto red i n an adj acent dis trict the juri sdic tion over such property in the district wherein it was seized shall not be affected thereby : Provided further, That for purpose of concen- tration, upon the initiation of the Commissioner of Prohibition and under regulations prescribed by him, distilled spirits may be removed from any internal-revenue bonded warehouse to any other such warehouse, and may be bottled in bond in any such warehouse before or after payment of the tax, and the commissioner shall prescribe the form and penal sums of bond cover ing dist illed spirits in internal-revenue bonded warehouses, an d in transit between such warehouses . COAST GU ARD Office of the commandant : For personal services in the District of Columbia in accordance with "The Classification Act of 1923," $262,000 .