Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/2038

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INDEX. cclxxxvii I~'r;C't Pre~;~ of the United Statu-Contd, Pa... to sen'e on Commission for Enlarging capitol Grounds______________ 420 Vichlrurg Bridge and Terminal Comp-any, granted right of way for public utilities across Vicksburg National Park, !4~________________________ 315 time extended for bridging !4iBBiBBippi River, at Vicksburg, !4iBB., by. _ 1446 Vicksburg, Mus., time extended for bridging !4ississippi River, at_____________________ 1446 Vicksburg Naltonal Military Park, Miss., appropriation for continuing establish- ment oL _________________ 356,1377 balances of appropriations for, covered in___________________________ 365 easement across, granted Warren County, !4iss., for public high- way_________________________ 4a4 Vicksburg Bridge and Terminal Com· pany granted right of way across_________ • _____ ._. ___ ._ 315 Victory Medal and Clasps, gratuitous issue of, to persons entitled_ 500 Village Delivery, Postal Service, appropriationfor. __ _ _ _ _ _ • _ __ ._ • • 189,1052 Vincennes, Ind., bridge authorized acroBB Wabash River, at___________________ . __ _ _ _ __ 740 memorial at, commemorating winning of Old Northwest, etc., to be constructed ________________ ._ 724 Virgin islands, appropriation for expenses, temporary governmentfor ______ • __ __ _ 62~ 1453 amount for publio works damaged byhurricane ________ • __ • __ • __ 1453 additional, from internal revenues, etc_ ••••••• ___ __ __ _ ._. __ •• 62~ 1453 citizenship requirement for holding officein•••• _________ • __ _ ._ 625,1453 for relief, etc., shipwrecked seamen in____ ••••__ ••• ____________ 68,1098 for agricultural experiment stations in________ ~ _______________ 542,1192 sale of products______________ 542,1192 'deficiency appropriation for repairin~, etc., hurricane damages to agrl· cultural experiment stations in_ _ 1609 appellate jurisdiction of circuit court of appeals as to interlocutory orders, etc., of district court of. _ 422 salary fixed of judge of district court of. 997 Virginia, advances authorized to fanners and fruit growers in storm and Hood stricken areas of, to purchase seed, feed, and fertilizer, for crop of 1929_ _____ ___ ______ __ _____ 1306 may acquire, afte!' completion, bridge across Potomac River, at Great Falls________________________ 443 Virginia Eastern Judicial District, deficiency apP!opriation for judgment of, for Housing COrporation____ 1615 Viruses, etc., appropriation for regulating propaga- tion, sales, etc., ot. ________ 17~ 1040 Viruses, etc.,ior Animals (s" Serums, etc., for Domestic Animals). Visas Alien addition;.! regulations for i88uing, to quota immigrants_________ ._ __ 1009 Vital Statistics, p .... appropriation for transcribing recorda of State, etc__________________ 88 Vocational Education (s" also Federal Board for Vocational Educa· tion), additional cumulative appropriations authorized for further develop- ment of. ____ ___ _______ __ __ ___ 1151 one-half allotted to States and Ter- ritories in the proportion of their farm pofulation to the total thereof o. the United States____ 1151 U8e of, for teachers, etc., of agricul- turalsubjects_ _ _ _ _ __ __ ___ ____ 1151 remaining half to States and Terri· tories in proportion of their rural population to the total thereof of the United States___________ 1151 ~ of, for teachers! etc., develop- Ing home economlcs___________ 1151 additional amount authorized for gen· eratpurposes of Federal Board for Vocational Education. _ _ __ _ 1151 authorizations additional, and subject to conditions of former Act_ _ _ _ 1151 provisions excepting heme eco- nomics from periods of agricul· tural practice________________ 1151 expenses for attending meetings allowoo- ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ _ 1151 Vocational ReAabilitation 0/ Dist#JZed Resi· dents, D. C., deficiency appropriation for _ _ ____ 1626, 1628 to be provided for disabled residents, by Federal Board for Vocational Education_ _ _ _ __ _ _____ __ _____ 1260 meaning of terms, etc_ _ _ ____________ 1260 cooperation authorized of Board with various public establishments_ _ 1260 plans for vocational rehabilitation of civil employees, residing in the District, to be formulated by Federal Board and Employees Compensation Com~ion_____ 1260 expenses authorized; details given_____ 1260 sum authorized each year for the Fed- eral Board; equal amount from District revenues_ _ _ _ ____ __ __ _ 1260 Vocational ReAabilitation, Veterans' Bu· reau, deficiency appropriation for _ _ _ ____ ___ 41, 43 45, 932, 937, 1616, 1621, 1670, 1673 Vocational Training, Army, deficiency appropriation for _ _ ___ _____ 49 Volstead Act (see National Prohibition Act). Volunteer Soldiers" Home (s" National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers). w. W Street NE., D. C., appropriation for paving, et:!., Fourth Street to Rhode Island Avenue; from gasoline tax fund_________ 654 Wabash River, bridge authorized across, at !4cGregors Ferry, Ill____________________ 480 at Vincennes, Ind_________________ 740 time extended for bridging, at !4ount Carmel,I1L ________ .. _____ 284, 1094