Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1987

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ccxxxvi INDEX. Reed, Wolter, Pale. name placed on yellow fever honor roll, and preeented gold medal______ 1409 lUeHa F4fT¥, N. C., bridge authorbed. acroes Waccamaw FUver, at____________________ 516 IUJoraliJWm, amount authorbed. for Inveatlaations of coeta and returns, aneI poIIIi-

~. t01:33, 25 September 2010 (UTC)-t~~-TarmstroBot (talk) 702

'"f0f'fltlJlDr7l, D. C., appropriation for lI8laries_ ___ _____ 673, 1289 for constructing buildings, etc_ __ 673, 1289 for maintenance, etc___________ 673,1290 for providiIut working capital for Industrial enterpriaes_______ 674, 1290 deficleocy appropriatfon for material f(ll'motor metal tags__________ 10 for construcUo~etc-------------- 1630 '"fuM. 0/ BrTOfte01.I8 Collediom, D. C., approPriaUon for; availability ____ 651, 1269 deficiency appro~riation for _________ 8,1629 Re/uM. of Intimal RmHmv.e Ta:ua, approPriation for, ill~y collected_ __ 1035 d~ficiency ap}>ropriatlon for illegally collected excet!8 tax on auto- mobDe acceB8Ories____________ 30 for,~ycollected------ 933,1613,1618 forooll8CtioDS ____________________ .9 35 authoriled to owner, of excess taxes paid on distilled. spirits in tax- direc~: =~=y or -m.iiy-coi:' 492 lected; penalties, etc_ ___ ______ 996 repayment to collector of money re- covered against him_ _________ 996 dama&eI! against officiala_________ 996 report to Congress in excess of $500, eachyear-------------------- 996 ~oJtMTr~. . appropriation for operating force, Annex for___________________ 163 IUvUtn of Willa, D. C., appropriation for salaries_ ________ 648, 1266 for conUngent expenses _________ 648, 1266 deficiency appropriaUon for contingent ~-------------------- 7, 1628 Regiatn«l Mail, PoataZ Service appropriation for indemnity for lost.z domestic__________________ 1\11,1053 deficiency aepropriaUon for paying in- demmties, lost international_ _ __ 9as, . 1620, 1622 indemnity fees on, in addition to regular ~--------------------- 469 official maD of departments, bureaus thereof, independent Govern- ment institutions in Washington, D. C ., or Public Printer, may be registered without paring fee_ __ 469 uniform system of registratIon and in- demnity therefor, may be estab- 1i8hed_______________________ 469 RegWterI 0/ LaM. Offi,ce3, appropriation for salaries and commis- RODS _____________________ 203, 1565 deficiency appropriation for ________ 46, 1637 com~D8&tion fixed 01.______________ 684 at Juneau, Alaska________________ ~ IUvUtrGtion and Selection for Military Service, deficiency appropriation for ____ 49,937,1619 Rehabilitation oj PenO'M Dilabkd in In- Pap. dwtry, Vocational, appropriation for promotion 0'- ___ li78, 1235 for investigating placements, etc., of________________________ li78,1236 provisioDS for vocational, of disabled resident80f Dlatrictof Columbia_ 1260 Reitadur, AlGaka, a.ppropriation for improving, etc., industry _____________ lili9,1210, 1603 Reiter, Fred, ek.t • • maybri~_01:33, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~_v_e~:~~_~~ 289 RelieJ aM Protection oj AfMrican SBIJ- meta appropriatlon for, in foreign countries, etc. _______________________ 68, 1098 deficiency appropriation for ________ 48,1618 Rmo, Major MarclJ.8 A., Army, appropriation for monument on site of battle of Sioux Indians with forces of, and of Major Benteen_ 225 Rmo, Nev., deficiency appropriation for public bullding at___________________ 923 Rmo Road NW., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Quebec to Rodman Streets; from gas- oline tax funds_______________ 652 Rmo-Sparb IMian Colony, Nev., appropriaUon for water system for ____ 209 Rent Commiarion, D. C., deficiency appropriation for ~paying costs, District Supreme Court_ _ 890 Rent, D. C., appropriation for Department of Jus- tice_______________________ 77,1108 for Court of Customs Appeals ____ 79,1110 for Department of COmmerce ____ 84,1115 for Department of Labor _______ 106,1136 for Treasury Department_______ 163, 1030 for public debt service_____________ 166 for Army; restriction ___________ 335,1359 for Department of Agriculture___ 540,1190 for Board of Tax ~ppeals _______ 576,1233 for CivD Service Commission_ __ 577, 1234 for Interstate Commerce COmmis- siOD _____________ 581,582, 123~ 1240 deficiency appropriation for District (}overnment_________________ 8 Rent, Light, aM Fuel, Pod Offi,ce3, appropriation for ________________ 189,1051 deficiency appropriation for_ 45,50,1622,1672 allowance of, and equipment, to fourth Rent oj C=~rs------------- 724 appropriation for _________________ 81,1112 Rental AUowanctl, Arml/, appropriation for, Including quarters for enlisted men ___________ 329,1353 RmtaZ Allowance Marine Corps, . appro}>riation for, officers _________ 638, 146~ RmitiJl AUowance, NallY, appropriation for,officers __________ 631, 1459 for, Nurse Corps_______________ 631,1460 Reporter, United States Supreme Court, appropriation for _________________ 79,1110 RePOTting Proceedings in Congress, appropriation for House of Repre- sentatives.. __________________ 523, 1393 for Senate_____ -------------- - - - _520, 1390 Reports to Congress, submission of designated, by executive departments, etc., repealed_ ___ 986 •