Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1975

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. CCXXIV INDEX. Public Building_Continued. p .... deficiency appropriation for Tecate, Calif__ ________ _____ ___ _____ _ 1662 for Trenton, Mo__________________ 1662 for Union Springs, Ala_____________ 1662 for Uniontown, Pa________________ 1662 for Urbana, Ohio__________________ 1662 for Vermilion, B. Dak______________ 1662 for Warren, Pa___________________ 1662 for Washingtont.., . D . C ., reimbursing Economics Huilding Company__ 1662 for Waterbury, Conn______________ 1662 . for Wauk~an, IlL________________ 1662 for West Warwick, R. L___________ 1663 for Washington, D. C ., acquiring tri- angle properties_______________ 1663 for New York, N. Y., customhouse and post office_______________ _ 31 for Marcus Hook, Pa., quarantine station_ _ _ _______ ___ ___ ___ ___ 31 for Carville, La., marine hospitaL_ 31, 1655 for San Francisco.z.. Calif., Mint______ 31 for Pittsburgh, ra., postoffice and court house__________________ _ 31 for New York, N. Y ., quarantine statio~ repairs, etc____________ 32 for Davis uonstruction Company___ 32 for outside profellSionalservices_____ 3_21 916,161>3 for repairs and preservation________ 42, 44, 48, 935, 937, 1619 for mechanical equipment_________ 42, 48,935,937,1619 forfurniture, etc_ 42, 49, 935, 937, 1619, 1672 for operating supplies_ 42,49,937,1619,1672 for general expenses _____ 48,935,937, 1619 for vaults and safes _____________ 49,1619 for operatingforce _________ 49,1619,1663 for additional pay, architectural and engineering personnel. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 916 rent of additional quarters for, etc_ 916 for remodeling and enlarging build- ings______________________ 91~ 1655 for Baltimore, Md., immigrant sta- tion_________________________ 917 for Galveston, Tex________________ 917 for New York, N. Y ., post office re- pairs,etc___________________ _ for Norfolk, Va__________________ _ for Philadelphia, Pa., Mint _______ _ for Washington, D. C ., Treasury Buildings ___________________ _ for Liberty Loan Building ________ _ for Missoula.J -MonL ____________ . . _ for BeattIe, wash________________ _ for Saint Louis, Mo______________ _ for claim of contractor for war con- 917 917 917 917 917 918 918 918 ditions loss__________________ 1614 for rent of temporary quarters, etc., D. C________________________ 1614 for model of Government buildings in the triangle, District of Co- lumbia____________________ ~_ 1614 for site for Supreme Court Building_ _ 1614 for assistant custodians and janitors_ 1619 for Bronx, N. Y ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ _ 1655 for Malden, MBBlI__________ _______ 1655 for Columbia, S. C ________________ . 1655 for Fort StantonJ • N. Mex__________ 1655 for Jamestown, va________________ 1655 for New York City, appraisers' stores_______________________ 1655 for Long Island City, N. Y_________ 1655 for Norfolk. Va___________________ 1655 Public Buildinl1-Continued. Birmingham, Ala., sale of old post office authorized___________________ _ condemnation proceedinKs for acquir- ing sites, ete., for Federal build- ings in District of Columbia___ _ contracts for joint telephone service au- thorized for _________________ _ payable from designated appropria- tions___ - ___________________ _ Des Moines, Iowa; authority for sale of present building, repealed ____ _ Duluth, Minn., granted easement over site for new building. ________ _ Fort Wayne, Ind.; granted easement over portion of post office site__ franchise accepted for rerouting pneu- matic tube service from New York City customhouse to new appraisers' stores ____________ _ Hartford, Conn.; present building con- veyed to, on completion of the new ________________________ _ Leominster, Mass.; easement for widen- ing street granted to__________ _ Manchester, N. H.; sale authorized of part of site__________________ _ New Orleans, La.; authority for sub- treasu!J': at, repealed__________ _ New York City; entrance upon sub- treasury site for rapid transit railwaYJ.consented to_________ _ Philippi, W. va.; lease of building at, for post office, constructed by Philippi Improvement Company, authorized __________________ _ to become Federal property on termi- nation of leMe, etc___________ _ payment for_____________________ _ payment of rent, etc., authorized __ _ Phoenix, Ariz.; part of site granted city for street purposes ___________ _ Savannah, Ga'l part of building site, conv~eCl to the city in exchange_ transfer to Duluth, Minn., of old Fed- eral, and site, on completion of newone ____________________ _ price, etc_______________________ _ United States Supreme Court Building Commission created to procure plans, etc., for new building on acquired site in District of C0- lumbia _____________________ _ time extended for submitting plans for, to Congress______________ _ PuiJ~..: Buildinl1l1 Act 19$8, Amendments, acquirinl{ designated lands, etc., in Dis- tnct of Columbia as sites for ex- ecutive departments, etc., di- rected _______________ - __ __ _ _ _ additional sum authorized to be ap- propriated for _______________ _ on completion of buildings, Office of Public Buildings ana Parks to have charge thereof. ___ ___ __ _ _ contracts authorized for demolishing buildings, clearing land, etc___ _ for architectural landscape treat- ment, etc___________________ _ amount authorized to be appropriated for site, construction, etc., under prior laws, increased__________ _ yearly aggregate limited __________ _ balances available subsequently__ _ 1307 1418 916 917 1415 601 1414 533 955 1017 1155 1422 1153 590 591 591 591 60 1503 600 600 1066 1261 51 52 52 52 52 137 137 137