Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1916

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INDEX. clxv Memorial, D. C., Pap. erection authorized In Wuhington of r!:01:21, 25 September 2010 (UTC)TarmstroBot (talk)_~_~~ 1540 M,monal na", 1918, , ' appropriati)n for aidIDg Gnmd Army of the ~bHc in: II8l"'ricIIII at Ax- , lingtonCemeteryj etc., 0J1______ 494 JI,morial DG", 11119, deficiency appropriation for akting Grand Army of She BepGblic in aervlcee at ArliDgtoD Cemetery, etc.,on______________________ 1632 Memorial to Women 0/ 1M Worl4 WIlT, D.C., deficiency ap'propriatioR for additional contribution to_______________ 886 additional appropriation IMlthorbed for erectiDc and equipping_______' _ 250 M~, appropnation for constructingJ" etc., ArlIngtc>D Memorial ,lSridge acro&8 Potomac River______ 575, 1232 deficiency appropriation for, at Fort ~k~, ~ co~ora~ acceaaion of Northwest Ter- ritory_______________________ 887 for tablet, to commemora~ holding Indian peace council, at Medi- cine Lodge, KaDa., in 1867_____ 902 for Mount RusIunore Memorial Com- uUaPon______________________ 1627 TarmstroBot (talk),!,~~thoil;-w&yne~Foii 1666 ~~ Oh io _____ ______ _____ 1666 authorUed, to commemonr.~ the Battle of Fort Fisher, by Wilmington, N. C _____________________;,__ 1066 Battle of Monocacy, Md__________ 1444 commemorate Nancy Hart, in Hart County, <la __________________ 1308 buildin.« to be erected at Fort Lewis i Waah., u., to Major Genera Henry A. Greene_____________ 1154 CongrelJlional committee to attend un- veiling of, to Wilbur and Orville Wright, at Kitty Hawk, N. C_ __ 1020 erection of chapel at Lakewood Naval Air Station, N. J., commemon.- tive of lives 10et in aviation_ _ _ _ 1478 table~J etc., at Medicine ~, AallIJ., to commemorate IndiAn peace council there in 1867_ ___ _ 492 authorized at Lititzl PL, to com- memora~ Amencan IIOIdiers wounded in Battle of Brandy- wine and buried at that place_ _ 718 estabUahmentof, Presidents' plaza and, in Naahville Tenn., to former Presidents Jackaon, Polk, and JohDeon_____________________ 1020 tablet or markerl authorized for Federal soldiers killed at battle of Perry- ville, Ky_____________________ 160 tablet to be erected at Clinton, N. C;, in commemoration of fOl'Uler vice President William Rufus King__ 719 plana, etc., for George Rosera Clark, authorized___________________ 1626 MempAw, ,Tmn., appropriation for public building______ 1043 deficiency appropriation for custom- house, etc., extension ________ 347,922 Mmdon, Utah, lands gn.. ted to, for water supply____ _ 451 Menominee A,Mej/, 'Wit., 1'I0Il. appropriation fqr IItlpport. etc., of In- 'diana&fI__ .. _,.;.,_ .. _____________ 11571 UDftpendeci balaaee available_ _ _ _ 1571 Mmominee It1d"- lUNnHation, Wit., appropriatloa ior Ie.....,. h~ital ad- dltion ______ ~ ___ __ _ ~ __ ._____ _ 1582 for two bridpa on; from tribal funda 1687 deficienC17 apprOpriation for bo8pltai, equipment, 'aDd physician's q~___ _____ ____ _____ ____ 901 fOreA inveRiptiou,etc.,on Indian lee- ervatiou not applicable to__ 207, 1670 Jll1IOfiainee IndiG.., Wit.. appropriaUc;Jn for Jncb.Wtdal uslatanoe, eto.;fmm tribal funda_________ ,208 for Ct.:;~~_TarmstroBot (talk)__~~_~~ 226 deficiency appropriation. for per capita payments to, from tribal funda_ 1642 M mmllinee, Mid&. agreement of Michigan and Wiloonsin for bridling Menominee River, between MadnetU, Wis., and, OOD88Dteci to_________________ 300 Menominee RiM' agreement ofWieoonain and Micllipn for bridging, between Marinette, Wis., and Menominee, Mich., coD88ntedto_________________ 300 bridge authorised aeroa, at Marinette, lVis_________________________ 303 MmtaUy AJIlWlel. World WIIf' VeIenmI, additIOnal hoepital., domicillu-y and out-patient dlapensary tacilitiea to be provided for, in Veterans' Bureau hoapitala______________ 715 M ercho-M rial CorporaliM (...cUeo UDited State. Shipping Board), appropriation for expenaeaoL_____ 586, 1244 for operatiDg shipe fot carrying coal to fOJeign porill_________ ~ __ 686, 1244 for operatiDg shipe taken back from purcbMen________________ 686, 1244 for reoonditioning "Mount Vemon" , and" Monticello" _____________ 586 Mercham Mon,.. Ad, 1910 (lei Glao Merchant Marine Act, 1928), construction loan fund proviliOllll of, amoendedL: ____________ A ______ 690 during period of ~n yean from June 6, 1920, proceeda from I81e of doo- umented veael built prior to Janoory 1, 1914, exempt from income tax___________________ 881 if prooeeda inv~ in buildin new ahipa in Ame~&I1I1hip=---- baala of new lbipa. _____________ _ marineinaurancepl'9*OlI8of, modified_ requiremeDt of, for ahipping foreicn 881 881 697 maila on, modified_ _ __________ 696 allowance of raMB for, repealed_ _ ___ 696 Merchant Manne Ad, 1918, deficiency appropriation for foreiBn ~ tranaportation under pro- V18lona of____________________ 910 policy of former Act, for development of merchant marine; etc., oOnfirmed 689 sales of ~~&r.!;' Board veeael8, only for b. up an ad~uate mer- chant marine_________________ 690 vessels owned by United States to be remodeled, etc., for foreign trade 690 documenting of, under United States laws_________________________ 690