Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1855

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oiv. INDEX """Monroe, V a., Pap. appropri&t1on:,for wharf,' roada, and ' "~_L __ :' ____________ ' 335, 1359 . for Coast .Artillery SehoolAt.. ____ '345,1366 'deficieDcy appropriation for sewerage 8y~______________________ 938 Co~11' of buildings authorized at_ 748 of ofIioera'quarien:~ ________ .. _____ 1302 Fore NiGgarGr N. Y ., Old, . apPl'Q,Priatlon for repair'restoration of, etc~_____:~:.:~'______~ ______ ~, 1878 ecjuallocal contributions required_ 1376 Fore Pecic Agnw:r, Mont., appropriation' for support, etc., of Indians ~t ___________ 223,1671,1084 Fore Pecic Indian HoapilGl, Mont., appl'C)priatioJl ~OJ;'·.llPport etc., of__ 221,1681 X-r&J',1III~-----_---------- 221 FottPd Ifldian Ramration, Mont., " appropriation lor JDllinteilance,·etc., of irriptioh 'systema on; repa~ '" meat_'; ___ L __ ~ ____________ 213, 1574 reaeriIIII:I iDbal iandad:;may be aold._ _ 774 'determination by Secretary :of the InteriOl', and general ooUliaL",. I 775 JDineral rights reservoed _____ • __ ~;. __ · , 776

'proaeedlt.., 0J'fJdi$ Of ___________ ; ._ _

775 FOre PlaIW{N. Y.," ' Fore T1t.omcJa, Ky., P- .e; deficiency appropri&1iiOD:, for road re- Jl&i!'a------.;:,,-~-.:.-----------'- . 1664 authoriHd to widen,ek." street abut- ting the military l"eIiervation_ ___ 1015 lUDlauthorized for cost 888t!8I8d.. _ __ _ IOU Fore TotUn, N.Dak.j. ' appropriation for Indian school at__ 218, 1579 unexpended balanceof appropriation for Indian achool at, covered In____ 215 Fort WGdaworth, N. Y ., deficieDcy appropriation for construe- tioD_____T ________________ ~__ 927 construction authorized of buildinp at_ 1302 amount authorized for completing bar- racks, etc., aL ____________ 453,1425 construction Of bullding8 authorized at_ 748 sum authoriBed for oonstruction, etc., of barracksat. ______ _______ ___ 1425 Fort Warne, Ind., ' appropriation for public bl1!ldlng __ 119,1042 granted easement over portion of post " oBiceaite,forstreetpurp0ae8____ 1414 terms of court at___ :..' _____,~.:. __ __ _ ~___ 438 Fort Wingate! N. MtI!&., . appropriation for Charles H. Burke Indian School at~ _____ ~ ____ 218,1679 defiC~eDb01:11, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~~--~~--01:11, 25 September 2010 (UTC) deficiency appropriation for ,acquiring , portion of, for Navajo Indians, 32 from trust tund8 ___________ ~__ 899 Fort Worth, T«I:., f or:t Riley, 'KtJft3., " appro¢iation· fOf' Cavalry' School ex- , penses __________ ~ ___ __ __ _ 34~ 1366 c;leficiency 'appropriation for officers' ,quarters __________________ ~__ 36 construction authorized of buildings at_ 748, , ,t, ' ',,', 1302 FMi; S.m' HomUmj ,T«r!,Ji '",' , amount authorised for Air Corps han- gars;etc___ ---~ _____________ _ construction at bUildingiJ authorized at_ , ' , for Air COrps ___________,~~ ______ _ 129 748, 1303 749 Fort Sill, Qkla., ' appropriatioJ:itor Field Artillery SchooL 345, 1366 _ for Instruction In field artillery activi- . ties, etc __ :.~~_:: ___ __ ___ __ _ 345,1366 for Kiowa, etc., oInc:Uan school at_____ ' 1578 ~ficii~:i=i~--TarmstroBot (talk)-TarmstroBot (talk) 01:11, 25 September 2010 (UTC) 1642 amount authoriBed for constructing addition to hospital at_________ 130 Fort Slocum, N. Y., construction of buildings authorized at_ 748, 1302 Fort Smith, Ark., , terms of court at____ " __ ------------- Fort Snelling, Minn., construction -authorized of officers' . quartersat__ .; _______________ _ Fort Stanton; N. M«r., deficiency .approp~B:tion for marine hospltal; additional power _____ _ Fort Sumter, S. C ., ' , erection .of flagstaff, etc.;' at; in eom- memoration of delense thereof by .~«:d~__01:11, 25 September 2010 (UTC)TarmstroBot (talk) 01:11, 25 September 2010 (UTC),TarmstroBot (talk) 01:11, 25 September 2010 (UTC) design and materials subject to ap- ·proval.of. 8ecret~ry' of War and CoDlIIllSI!lOn of Fme Arts______ _ acceptance of, in lieu of statue under legacy ______________________ _ 59 1302 1655 499 499 499 appropriation for acquiring site and , ' erecting publio building at_____ 179 defiCiency ap'f.ropriation for' 'repJaee- .' ,ment 0 present post oftice, 'etc_ _ 1657 Fort Yuma Indian Hoapit4l, Calif., , appropriation for support, etc., of_____ 1581 Forti~iona, appropriation for preparing plans for __ 336, 1359 336, 1309 336, 1309 for construction, maintenance, etc., of_ for submarine mine defense structures for allotments; United Statei!; insular po_ions, and Panama Canal_ 33a, 1359 deficiency appropriation for armament 01. ____ 43/45,49,936,1619,1622, Hi72 for armament msular possessions___ 936 for, Panama Canal________________ 936 for fire controL_. _________________ 936 forsuppliesfor________________ 1622,1672 Forty-fird StrutNW., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Wiscon- sin Avenue to Davenport Street; from gasoline tax fund________ 652 Forty-fourth Strut NW'., D. C., use authorized of designated Govern- , ment lind for widening__ :. .. __ , _ _ _ 1341 Fortll-second Btrut NW., D. C ., appropriation for paving, eto., Fessen- den Street to Wisconsin Avenue; from gasoline tax fund_ _ _ ______ 12Q9 for paving,' etc., Jenifer Street to Military Road; from gasoline tax fund______ ~______________ 1269 Forty-third PlauNW., D. C., appropriation for paving,etc.,·Chesa- peake Street to Murdock Mill Road; from gasoline tax fund_ _ 652 for paving, etc. Chesapeake to Brandywine Streets; from gaso- line tax fund_ __ __ __ ___ __ _____ 652