Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1812

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INDEX. hi Crimea and M~nors-Continued. penalty for violation of permitting ves- sel to depart, or owner, etc., fail- ing to take care to prevent its departure with submerged load lhle_________________________ 1494 permitting, etc., detained vessel to depart_______________________ 1495 violating provisions for not ushlg District of Columbia city refuse hlchlerators, etc_ _ ____________ 1550 punishment for unauthorized manu- facture, sale, wearing, etc., of Congressional medal of honor, disthlguished flying cross, mili- tary medals, etc______________ 437 violations of provisions of Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge Act_ ____ 450 violations of provisions of Lassen Volcanic National Park________ 464 violations of widow's pension Act_ __ 715 willful failure to pay tax, make re- turns,etc____________________ 835 willful failure to collect tax, evado payment thereof, etc__ _________ 835 false statements, etc•.: - under pro- visions of World war Adjusted Compensation Act_ _ _ _________ 949 unauthonzed use of title" Architect" in District of Columbia___ ______ 953 violating provisions of District of Columbia. employment of minors Act_________________________ 1003 permitting unlawful sales, etc., by mhlOTSinthe District- _________ 1006 unauthorized mailing of poisons, ex- plosives, disease germs, etc_ _ 1072 mailIng articles with intent to injure, life, property, etc_ ____ ___ __ ___ 1072 refusing to furnish leaf tobacco stn- tistics, givhlg false answers, etc__________________________ 1080 unauthorized introductiou of narcotic drugs into a narcotic drug farm_ 1089 attempting escape by inmate of nar- cotic drug farm_______________ 1089 procuring escape of inmate of nar- cotic drug farm______________ 1089 false statements, etc., to obtain loans, for seed, etc., in storm and flood areas of designated southern States_______________________ 1307 violating National Prohibition Act; additional_ __ __ ___ ____ __ ___ __ 1446 concealing, obliterating, etc., load line marks on a merchant vesseL ___ 1495 viomting provisions of District of Co- lumbia Act, regulatiug conferring of degrees____________________ 1505 unlawful acts hl procuring certificates of citizenship_ _ _ _ ___ _________ 1516 violating provisions for registration of nurses, etc., D. C___________ 1522 dElported alien attempting to reenter_ 1551 alien entering at other than desig- nated time and place, eluding examination, making false state- ments, etc., on obtaining entry _ 1551 Criminal Code, amended, section 203 ______________ _ section 217 ______________________ _ section 321. _____________________ _ Criminal I dentijication Records, appropriation for preserving, exchange, 1153 1072 1156 etc., of. ___________________ 78,1108 Criminals, p .... appropriation for bringing home, from abroad ____________________ 7~ 1107 deficiency appropriation for bringing ho~fromabroad------------ 913 Criaay FWd} t;aU,f., construction for Air Corps, authorized at___________________________ 749 Crittenden Street. NW ., D. C., appropriation for pavhlg, etc., Fourth to Fifth Streets; from gasoline tax fund_____________________ 653 Croat8, SlotJenea, and S"bs, appropriation for minister to _ ______ 65, 1096 settlement of indebtedness of kingdom of___________________________ 399 CromweU Terrace NE., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Second to Third Streets; from gasoline tax fund_ __ ___ ______ _ ___ _____ 654 Crop Operatiom, Cooperative A88ociatiom for Financing, exempt from income tax_____________ 814 Crop Plants, appropriation for investiga~ing insects affecting cereal, etc_________ 558, 1208 Croton, Iowa, bridge authorized across Des Mohles Ftiver,at_____________________ 706 time extended for bridging Des Moines River,at_____________________ 1535 Crow Creek Indian Hoapital, S. Dak., appropriation for maintenance, etc., of_ 221, 1582 Crow Indian Agency, H08pital, Monl., appropriation for support, etc., of_____ 1581 Crow Indian Reservation, Mont., appropriation for maintenance, etc., of irrigation systems oni repay- xnent _____________________ 21~ 1575 deficiency appropriation for paying part cost of road construction on_ ___ 902 amount authorized for paying part of constructhlg road on, between Hardin and San Xavier from tribalfunds__________________ 429 remainderto be paid by countyorState_ 430 Crow Indiam, Mont. appropriation for fulfilling treaty with_ 222, 1583 allotment in severalty to living children on the Reservation____________ 483 children hereafter born_ _ __________ 483 areas of allotments________________ 483 sum from funds of, authorized for ex- penses of meetings of tribal council, etc__________________ 1496 Crown Point, N. Y ., bridge authorized aeross Lake Cham- plain, between, and Chimney Point, Vt____________________ 62 Cruis"s, Navy, construction of 15 light, authorized prior to July 1, 193L_________ 1165 five each year, in 1929, 1930, 1931; limit of cost____ ______ ____ ___ _ 1165 first and alternate cruiser, at navy yard, gun factory, ordnance plant, and arsenal____________ 1165 Crumpacker, Maurice E., late a Repre- aentative in Co~re8a, deficiency appropriation for pay to Wldowor._______>_____________ 3 Cuartel Lot, Monterey, Calif., granted to city for municipal purposes_ 1188